I've been playing around with my decks size recently making a lot of 72 card decks and from what I've seen this game is totally rigged! And I mean more rigged then even I had thought. As I said 72 card decks are what I've been making but these deck only have 26 land so there land ratio is lower then a standard 60/24 deck. But game seems to always want me to have three land in my initial draw and it happen 80% of time with 72/26 deck versus about 30% with 60/24 deck. That leads me to believe that arena has separate draw categories for land and nonland cards. It seem like 26 land triggers you to have 3 land opening hand regardless of your decks size.
The other thing is effect of having 72 cards has on opponents draws, in that they never draw perfect opening hands. Unlike if you're playing 60 card deck where they will have one seemly 50% of time. That even when opponent is playing 60 cards you simply playing 72 a card deck seems to alter opponents luck immensely.
So far I've only really tested 72/26 deck so other deck size may produce different results. But if you want a slower game try 72/26 decks, it wont work all of time but it will work most of time.
The new set is pretty awesome for limited. And human drafts is awesome. Companions are really stupid though. Not just uninteresting, but I think that they're actively bad for constructed magic.Mtg must be really healthy with not one comment about anyone having fun with the new set in here
triple invasion was better and had some nice 5c green based decks and the U/B cantrip/probe deck although apocalypse was decent. Planeshift was pretty bad,I haven't played since War of the Spark because that faerie set was so fucking gay.
This set is awesome for drafts but I might be biased because KTK was probably my second favorite draft format, right behind Invasion block.
I don't think I ever passed a Villainous Wealth. Many BUGx durdles.Khans was awesome as a 3x format as well. My favorite card to open was Trail of Mystery even if it wasn't as good as like Wingmate Roc.
Wow I'm actually having a really fun time with brawl, Kinnan is fucking fun and bonkers.
I got sick of the matchmaking system matching me nearly exclusively to mirror matches or the rock to my scissors.
Yeah, it's zero sum. It's like when people complain about going 2nd 70 percent of the time. Which can be true on a small sample, but can't be true longterm.I understand your frustration, but this statement can't objectively be what is happening across the board.
U/G is super aids due to Agent of Treachery crap. If not for that card, the meta would be significantly more fun in my opinion. Not nearly as bad as Elk-shit, but still really anti-fun.