It seems odd that an algorithm could not have been written that would allow for better land distribution within a deck. It is the one strength of having a game on a computer. You could still have plenty of random on the shuffle but not have games where either a player cannot play due to mana shortage or cannot play due to a lack of spells. Why not evenly distribute the process out within a deck. You could still have some land clumps but not 5 straight lands. Use it only on the initial deck formation in the game. Once the game starts, any shuffling sequence that takes place does so at a pure random effect.
I just think that would have worked better.
Don't run less than 22 lands in Bo1 unless every card in your deck costs 1 and a handful of 2s (not gonna happen in any real Standard decks.) Most of your hands will have 1 land due to the hand-draw algorithm used in Bo1.Is the solution here to run 18 lands instead of 20?
Appears to be a hack for arena. Way to many perfect hands for opponents recently.
what do you mean, "their last iteration"? Mtg: Online? Thats still around, having multiple iteration since 2002... of which always was middling success.
I like how you make an argument and then shoot it down in the very next sentence.Its like you are debating yourself.
I think it will do just fine as long as the support is kept up. There is plenty of interest. Any online game can end at any time.
Those previous releases were never meant to be anything more than annual releases.
MTG Arena is a platform for future releases.
Not exactly dumbed down rules, but they did not have full control mode and they left more complex cards off the list of cards to play.didn't those previous releases have dumbed down rule sets as well?
Either way, sounds like this isn't for youPunko .