event red | MTG Arena Deck List | MTG Arena Pro
Pandemonium constructed event seems super good for any new and old players.
0 wins returns 100g, 1 rare, and 1 uncommon card.
So, even with NO wins, thats 400g for 1 rare and 1 uncommon. 200g per.
Vs a booster being 1000g for 8 cards, 1 rare or mythic, 2 uncommons, and 5 commons. 125g per card total.
Wins of course makes this deal even better.
As a new, f2p player, I tried a couple decks, with poor results. The above Mono red haste however, seems to be doing fantastic.
For those with more complete decks, you see the obvious. haste, treason, direct damage. and a few high trades like pyromancer, goblin inst, hatchling. Those with more complete collections can stream line it a ton, im sure.