Decided to try burn with skewer and light up the stage and it's actually really nice.
Seems to make playing with guttersnipe and electrostatic field viable.
Got a lucky loop with steamkin and managed to play almost 20 cards on turn 4 from what started as a pretty shitty opener to end the game.
Would still like to try radkos version, but trying to not blow my remaining wilds or spending $100 before meta settles.
2 Ghitu Lavarunner (DAR) 127
4 Wizard's Lightning (DAR) 152
1 Fanatical Firebrand (RIX) 101
3 Lightning Strike (XLN) 149
22 Mountain (RIX) 195
2 Guttersnipe (M19) 145
1 Lightning Strike (M19) 152
4 Shock (M19) 156
4 Viashino Pyromancer (M19) 166
3 Electrostatic Field (GRN) 97
2 Risk Factor (GRN) 113
4 Light Up the Stage (RNA) 107
4 Skewer the Critics (RNA) 115
4 Spear Spewer (RNA) 117
mono red burn im using atm.
cheap as heck, since risk factor is the only card that is not common or uncommon.
based on the reddit deck. after I also noted spewers seemed amazing. I made a few changes while playing games though.
steamkin and chainwhirlers are probably more consistant.
I did not fully understand Light up the stage, until playing it. I misunderstood it to be "Until the end of your turn, you may play those cards." not, "Until the end of your
NEXT turn,"
Which is obviously a HUGE difference, and solves monored burn card draw.
Improvements that could be made from playing at bit. 4 guttersnipes? 2 spear spewers. Great for burn, poke, and enabling spectacle. however at no point is 4 needed in one game, since they don't enable guttersnipe or electrostatic field procs. 2 is probably enough. although, 3 might be more consistent with draws, and they can poke for damage, over and over.. which ghitu and firebrands can't.
only 2 ghitu is intentional. deck this is based on did run 4, however, they are almost entirely just to enable wiz lightning.. And are basically useless past turn 2 after opp has put down their own creatures.
4 risks factors is a solid option as well. only don't due to not wanting to spend the wildcards.
keld sucks. light up the stage, and risk factor both make it pointless.
I'm running more mountains then the reddit deck. I found I was getting mana flooded, or screwed way too much with the 20 recommended.
Also, reddit is overreacting. this "new" monored burn is cheap, and very direct. but not especially strong. it probably is weaker then again, the steamkin,chainwhirler. its super weak vs counterspells, and life gain. White Revitalize, fountain, moment of triumph. black, moment of craving wrecks it, sovereign bite, etc. not so much life link, more the direct life gain.
I played versus some blue/red aggro, and black/red aggro which were probably more consistent all around.
I wonder if dropping wizards, and wiz lighting is an option? skewer the critics is clearly much stronger. should we be trying to double cast or copy it?