4:02:02 match start
5:49:50 opponent "concedes"
5:50:46 WOTC_ChrisClay:Interesting not 100% sure if it was the ban or they actually conceded
5:51:16 WOTC_ChrisClay:No we banned him
5:51:36 WOTC_ChrisClay:Sorry, not sorry?

WOTC_ChrisClay So do you guys ban everyone that does this or is this a special case?

WOTC_ChrisClay I mean you guys have to have the ability for DA to see players that are doing this
5:52:35 WOTC_ChrisClay

DanMakesItRain - This is a great kick start to official policy around it, but it's pretty clear this was against TOS.

WOTC_ChrisClay Good man. Work on the card next.

WOTC_ChrisClay Do not ban a non oppressive card and cost people money over working for a fix.
5:54:27 WOTC_ChrisClay

b1g0ne - Obviously actually banning a card is a much longer process with lots of steps along the way. @skeletor_418 - It's not card strength that would cause the ban, its the anti-fun anti-play nature of the card.

wotc_chrisclay is it a permanent ban or 1 week? permanent would be brutal :disappointed_relieved:
5:55:00 WOTC_ChrisClay

legit_advice - Short term
5:55:32 WOTC_ChrisClay:Just 2 hours to be clear
5:56:58 WOTC_ChrisClay:Even if a card is banned you can always use it in Direct Challenge.

WOTC_ChrisClay I dont see how this card properly functioning is comparable to other banned cards. And some people do like combos, but hate turn 4 aggro wins. Claiming "not-fun" seems biased
5:58:02 WOTC_ChrisClay

skeletor_418 - That's why it isn't something that happens quickly. We talk through all the cases.

WOTC_ChrisClay Can you make it easier to report people for constantly roping in Arena? It sucks having to LEAVE THE CLIENT for it
6:00:25 WOTC_ChrisClay

Haberdashed - I hear ya.