MTG: Arena


Tranny Chaser
I can't say you're wrong but 200 feels like DOA territory. If their biggest deal is 90 packs for 200 that puts a single digital pack at 2.50 or more. Depending on the set and how patient you are you could buy physical packs for that.

With Hearthstone you can buy 60 packs for 70 dollars with deals available through Amazon occasionally and specials Blizzard runs. Showing up day one charging double would be a clear indication that the people in charge of this are bananas.


<Bronze Donator>
That was my "WoTC are greedy fucks who thought Hearthstone wasn't a competitor just a couple years ago" reaction. Also, even if they now realize Hearthstone(and digital TCGs as a whole) is a competitor, they still haven't shown that they know the difference between digital and physical cards. Thus, I did a quick google and extrapolated Dominaria's physical 36 pack booster box price to 90 packs.

$200 is definitely DoA. Their recent economic changes and talk lead me to think the game is already DoA.


Tranny Chaser
My hunch is that Hasbro doesn't understand that they are entering a mature marketplace with a new product and that they are the underdogs. I think they view themselves as the top of the heap for card games rather than the newcomer for free to play digital card games. Hearthstone is the top dog. You are competing with Hearthstone. People like that game, Hearthstone streamers crush MTGO streamers, and there's a massive YouTube presence of highlights and tournaments and such. Getting people to make the switch is going to take a lot of work.


<Bronze Donator>
Just in case any one is wondering, 90 packs cost 18000 gems. 20000 gems cost $99.99, so a dollar per pack. The ratio of packs to gems is the same at all quantities.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
for european customers its $1.44 / pack vs $2.05 for a physical pack, since shit is always more expensive due to exchange and an additional 21% VAT


<Bronze Donator>
Part of me suspects I'm still in the "ramp up" phase of the game. Like judging PoE as a whole while you're still leveling. A lot of my games just feel like luck of the draw. As I fill out my collection with more tutors and draw mechanics, I'm hoping more games will feel much more fluid and less at the mercy of the draw. Again, like PoE after you add 400% increased attack speed.

They need a way to tell the game to stop asking you to resolve something completely trivial. Hitting end turn is too crude. But I also want the game to stop asking me to sacrifice my thrashadon to destroy an artifact just because I can.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Shift+enter passes your turn until the opponent does something you can respond to.

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Two things drive me insane in arena, playing cycle lands when you dont have mana to cycle and game still prompts you what you are doing with it. And the fact that some cycle things mode is on aa different side then others, i havent paid close attention to know if its just lands versus everything else either way it sucks ass.


Molten Core Raider
Looks like making a budget red deck as just FTP might take me a couple weeks, meanwhile I'm getting matched five ranks ahead with people with multiple planeswalkers. Doesn't seem like a very fun experience.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I just got into the beta today. Is it worth playing? If so, anyone got a good resource how to quickly build a decent deck?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There's more wipes coming, if that impacts your decision.
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Potato del Grande
Looks like making a budget red deck as just FTP might take me a couple weeks, meanwhile I'm getting matched five ranks ahead with people with multiple planeswalkers. Doesn't seem like a very fun experience.
This is why I'm not playing, there's no matchmaking system at all. It takes lots of wins to grind one rank and you get matched with people several ranks (so LOTS of wins) ahead of you.

Having a shit deck is fine if everyone else does. I wonder if they want F2P to quit to save on server costs amd are doing it intentionally, matchmaking systems are not hard to make.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
So I'm trying to start any game, and every single thing I click wants me to pay gems.

Is this fucking serious? I can't play any game at all without paying gems?


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
After playing for 2 days, this game is fucking terrible. It takes everything good about Magic out and tries to make it into Hearthstone which it can never be.