MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
Looking at prices (again) I'm interested in selling my collection, but sitting down and going through buy lists, on several sites... prices vary wildly, and there's just too damn many cards to look up. How is a lazy guy supposed to get the most bang for his cards, without getting ripped off?
You can bulk it out to a shop like StarCity, or you can try to take the time to sell it yourself. First things first, I'd separate out the rares and just price those for now. That'll be 95% of your value. There are definitely some expensive uncommons out there too (Force of Will, Wasteland), and even some $3 commons (Brainstorm), but most of them are extremely cheap.

If you're really serious about squeezing every penny out you're going to need to organize it all and make a spreadsheet so you can check values. EVERYONE uses TCGplayer's normalized price as a benchmark for trade value, so you can consider that "retail". Assume a shop will give you around 40% of that, or anywhere up to 75% in trade value if you're interested in sticking with the hobby and getting into newer sets.

I might actually be interested in buying a bulk collection, either personally or with a store owner friend. PM me with a rough idea of the big cards and what sets you have and we can chat about it.


Golden Squire
Uh, why? Even just investing in sealed box products you can expect 400-600% returns over 5 years. I bought a bunch of zendikar booster boxes last year and doubled my money on them in 12 months...
For the amount of money and time spent investing in Magic cards you're better off spending your time learning the stock market and playing that.


Zendikar is kind of an absurd example to hold up anyway. You'd have to go back to the original Ravnica to find equivalent booster box prices, with many sets that were significantly less desirable in the interim. It doesn't seem hard (imo) to be smart and keep your overall collection value increasing by more than you put into it, but those who actually "make" significant money in singles by predicting what will be huge are fairly rare. Everyone likes to feel good about the value of their cards until they want to actually reclaim that value.


Molten Core Raider
I wish I would of kept my Legacy staples longer when I quit before selling them off with my standard stuff. I got about double the value in what I paid/traded for duals/forces/etc. Today I'd have made about 4x that by selling.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The new legend rules just fucked up EDH pretty hard.....
Why? Two people can actually sit down at the table with the same commander now.

If anything, it was probably done to make casual EDH games easier to throw together.

Also to nerf clones.


Trakanon Raider
It doesn't really nerf clones, it just changes their usefulness. In fact, it allows some outright broken interactions with cloning effects. Progenitor Mimic + Zegana is the one that immediately comes to mind. Evil Twin got a bit better as well.

I don't really care for the change because there are some really pushed legends out there that will be extremely difficult to kill, like Geist of St. Traft and Sigarda, Host of Herons. I'll just have to get used to it though.


Blue, being the worst at removal, should have have access to "1U, destroy any legendary creature".

Most people I know who play EDH just house ruled that commanders don't count towards the legend rule so this isn't that big of a deal. Now they will just print better removal to cover the gap. Nothing to see here, move along.


Trakanon Raider
Personally I think it would have been a lot easier to just rule that clones ignore the legend rule and are, y'know,clones.But this was apparently also predicated on ETB triggers and legend ruling being a lame way to kill things that wasn't fun. In particular, with planeswalkers.

They'll definitely stop printing hexproof legends like Thrun and Sigarda that are extremely difficult to kill. Those are worse offenders than Geist, who is at least blockable and relatively small without enchants.


Potato del Grande
I'm cashing out my MTGO deck to pay for a standard deck to improve the Boros mostly cheap cards I've been using. It's worth ~?200 all together so wanna make sure it's ok before I go for it. What do you guys think? I'd like to splash black for Undying Evil and High Priest of Penance but going from 2 to 4 dual lands is probally a bit too much atm:

Boros Blitz

Creatures (28)
4x Boros Elite
4x Champion of the Parish
4x Doomed Traveler
4x Firefist Striker
4x Nearheath Pilgrim
4x Frontline Medic
4x Boros Reckoner

Spells (12)
4x Boros Charm
4x Legion's Initiative
4x Blasphemous Act

Lands (20)
4x Boros Guildgate
4x Clifftop Retreat
8x Plains
4x Sacred Foundry

Thanks for any advice



Trakanon Raider
I haven't been keeping up on the meta, but just looking at the cards you are thinking of splashing and what your deck does.. I don't think splashing black is a good idea at all. You are being proactive in your aggression, undying evil is a decent combat trick but it only works if your creature dies. It'll often be a dead card, or you won't get enough value out of it to justify the black splash. The priest is more of an aggro-control card, it's not aggressive enough. Your 'removal' in a boros deck is burn, which can go to their dome when you get them low enough, giving you reach.

On that note, I might trim 1-2 of the legion's initiative, frontline medic and/or nearheath pilgrim (too lazy to look at the curve to figure out exact numbers) to try and fit in a few more single target burn spells. I'm not up to date on the current card pool to recommend exactly what those should be, just a general note about this style of deck.


El Presidente
Blasphemous act seems out of place. I get that it combos with reckoner but you're almost always going to be ahead on board or just need to get rid of a blocker or something.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Technically it combos with Frontline Medic (attack, get indestructable for the rest of the turn, then act) and with Legion's Initiative (cast, then remove your own guys in response) but both of those interactions are too cute to be good.


Trakanon Raider
I started to say the same thing, but figured it was cause of the reckoner and indestructible combos (dont forget boros charm).. Wasn't 100% sure if that was viable enough or just 'cute' as mist said. Seems like a win more type of combo anyways. Maybe cut one blasphemous act, so you generally only draw it when you have an indestructible trick or reckoner?


Potato del Grande
Thanks for the feedback, it's really useful. I will be staying clear of black and trimming a few cards down to 3 for a burn spell (probally Searing Spear with alternatives in sideboard).

One thing I'm not clear on is Legion's Initiative... it seems good as it does a few things (save a board wipe / enable a late game champion of the parish / emergency haste) but it's quite expensive and with mainly white cards I won't get the full anthem effect - maybe I would be better off swapping it for a temporary buff spell? I'm looking at Gift of Orzhova, Madcap Skills, Rally the Peasants or Dynacharge. Dynacharge has already won me games in my old deck and I even misread the card and paid 4 instead of 3 for it -_-

I really want to try Blasphemous Act (though I will take it down to 3), it combos with Boros Charm/Frontline Medic/Boros Reckoner so chances are I'll have at least one of those. Even if I don't it's possible I may want to cast it anyway if my opponent takes over the board. I'm actually more sceptical about the Nearheath Pilgrim/Boros Reckoner Combo, I'm not sure how good the pilgrim is on it's own. I could have Silverblade Paladin instead.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I'm cashing out my MTGO deck to pay for a standard deck to improve the Boros mostly cheap cards I've been using. It's worth ~?200 all together so wanna make sure it's ok before I go for it. What do you guys think? I'd like to splash black for Undying Evil and High Priest of Penance but going from 2 to 4 dual lands is probally a bit too much atm:

Boros Blitz

Creatures (28)
4x Boros Elite
4x Champion of the Parish
4x Doomed Traveler
4x Firefist Striker
4x Nearheath Pilgrim
4x Frontline Medic
4x Boros Reckoner

Spells (12)
4x Boros Charm
4x Legion's Initiative
4x Blasphemous Act

Lands (20)
4x Boros Guildgate
4x Clifftop Retreat
8x Plains
4x Sacred Foundry

Thanks for any advice
4x legions initiative is too much. You already get protection against supreme verdict from boros charm, and 4 of those is too much also.

I'd cut to 2 legions (maybe just 1) and 2 charms.

Blasphemous act should be no more then one mainboard and one sideboard. 2 on sideboard or main, depending if you know the meta you will play.

I think the deck is also lacking a true focus, so it will do poorly against faster decks or decks which are stronger at control.

The current deck would give to many opening hands with cute combo pieces and no business. You don't have brainstorm or so, so drawing 2 blasphemous acts and a legions initiative in your opener means you probably have to ship it back.

I would play something like this, or work towards getting it;

4 Cavern of Souls
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple Garden
2 Clifftop Retreat
1 Rootbound Crag
1 Sunpetal Grove

4 Mayor of Avabruck
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Experiment One
4 Champion of the Parish
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Boros Elite
4 Lightning Mauler
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Kessig Malcontents
2 Ghor-Clan Rampager
1 Frontline Medic

4 Searing Spear

2 Frontline Medic
2 Purify the Grave
2 Gruul Charm
3 Boros Charm
2 Fiend Hunter
4 Skullcrack

Anyone here that plays Legacy btw?



Trakanon Raider
So the Modern Masters speculation is becoming unreal. Boxes are preordering for $300, and selling out. Makes me glad I got mine at MSRP from a shop owner buddy.


So the Modern Masters speculation is becoming unreal. Boxes are preordering for $300, and selling out. Makes me glad I got mine at MSRP from a shop owner buddy.
The continuing price spike is confusing imo. The EV of a box (and more importantly, EV of shit you actually care about or can sell/trade easily) is going to be way south of what they are selling for atm.


Trakanon Raider
It's always that way for sealed product. Hell, a brand new set selling at MSRP rarely has an estimated box value equal to the sticker price. Urza's boxes sell for $400-500 when they're in stock, and Future Sight is up there too for the chance at Tarmogoyf etc.

That being said, I would never buy this product at $300, or even $200. However, at the $140 that I'm paying, it is extremely unlikely I won't make back my value. Most of the rares spoiled so far are in the $8-10 range. Every remaining rare could be $1, and the average box would still break even without pulling a Dark Confidant, Tarmogoyf or Vedillion Clique. It'll royally suck if my mythics end up being all Kamigawa dragons, but chances are good of pulling some decent stuff. There's some crap for sure, but there's also some great high dollar rares like Cryptic Command to be had.