MTG thread


Potato del Grande
Yeah I tried 4 Blinkmoth but it just seemed like a headache, the deck already has a stupid number of ways to win.

Do you not struggle with coloured spells if you have 8 colourless lands? That is about half of the lands in the deck. Sometimes you won't draw Springleaf/Mox/Glimmervoid.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Inkmoth is great. Blinkmoth is mediocre but you still play it. You don't care about your colored spells that much anyway.


Trakanon Raider
You're probably playing 4 Darksteel Citadel too, so your colored spells are going to be thin on the ground already. Figure 3 Glimmervoid, 4 Opals and 3-4 Springleaf Drums... that's comparable to the number of a given color you'd run as a splash in a multicolor deck. It makes the BB for instant Cranial Plating a little tricky, but that's all. I'd much rather have the option of all those critters. City of Brass can help.

This assumes modern affinity btw. Legacy obviously has the option of running artifact basic lands, which are the better choice.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I could not find any boxes of MM for under 235 dollars. Not even remotely in my price range right now.


Local shop apparently has 12 boxes for $185 each atm. Kinda surprising since the shop is always full of asshats. Want to pick one up but moneys a little tight and it would just sit upopened next to my arsenal anyways.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Local shop apparently has 12 boxes for $185 each atm. Kinda surprising since the shop is always full of asshats. Want to pick one up but moneys a little tight and it would just sit upopened next to my arsenal anyways.
I would buy it. They will go for 500 dollars in 2 years...


Golden Squire
I've been playing lots of draft/sealed and decided I want to dip my toes into standard. Given that I like the idea behind the populate mechanic, I bought the Strength of Selesnya event deck fully aware that the default configuration isn't the greatest. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tune it so that it isn't terrible? Here is the deck list for reference:

My initial thoughts right now are the obvious ones: Add "Voice of Resurgence", more "Advent of the Wurm", add "Temple Gardens", but does anyone else have any ideas given the current standard meta? I could add more Godless Shrines but it seems like a waste when only one creature in the deck uses black mana.


Trakanon Raider
Populate by itself isn't the strongest mechanic, but I have seen some rogue decks do alright at FNM using just Selesnya colors. In both instances, they basically played a shitload of tokens and Intangible Virtue. One of em used Collective Blessing as a finisher, which was surprisingly strong against the creature heavy environment we're in right now.

I still think both decks would have benefited from a splash of black for Lingering Souls and Abrupt Decay / Putrefy.


Golden Squire
Yeah the pre-built deck has three Lingering Souls already. I also like your idea to add Abrubt Decay and Putrefy. I would then add a full set of Godless Shrines.

My real problem is figuring out what to remove, so I can Voice, Advent, Putrefy, and Abrubt Decay.


Trakanon Raider
From the pre-built? Lots of things. The guildmages can go, as can Champion of Lambholt. Call of the Conclave is competing with Voice for the 2 slot and you don't need both. Doomed Traveler might actually be okay here, but he's just as likely to be crap. A mana dork like Avacyn's Pilgrim might suit you better to ramp you into turn 3 wurms. Maybe something like this:

Creatures (16)
4 Avacyn's Pilgrim
4 Voice of Resurgence
4 Loxodon Smiter
2 Scion of Vitu-Ghazi
4 Thragtusk

Spells (20)
3 Selesnya Charm
4 Lingering Souls
4 Advent of the Wurm
2 Collective Blessing
2 Abrupt Decay
2 Putrefy
3 Rootborn Defenses

Lands (24)
4 Temple Garden
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Godless Shrine
4 Woodland Cemetery
1 Overgrown Tomb
3 Forest
1 Plans
2 Gavony Township

It's just a spitball list, but it populates without having to really rely on it. You can get some surprisingly large creatures on the field pretty fast in those colors. It'd be nice to find room for Farseek as well.


Trakanon Raider
It's not top tier, but he was interested in a populate strategy. That's basically just W/G goodstuff. I'm not certain it could survive an aggro rush without losing early blockers or lifegain in the sideboard, but it'd do alright vs midrange and has several things that are stubborn to kill.

Sticking to Selesnya or even splash black without running Aristocrats is hard, because you're cutting off a lot of strategies. Bant Flash is another option, with Snapcasters and what not, but it's an entirely different deck.


I'm selling my recent MTG collection, spanning mostly Scars of Mirrodin through Gatecrash.

I'll likely accept most any reasonable offer, as compared to current value on

PM me with an offer if you're interested in anything


*EDIT* hmm.. not sure why it's shrinking my original file so much..



Golden Squire
Thank you for the help. After getting a 20 minute thrashing by my coworker who plays competitively I've decided to try doing a Maya Aggro deck instead since that's fairly close to the colours I like to play. That said I think I'll still try to make a rogue deck based around populate and what you've posted gives me a good starting point.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Are old cards even worth anything anymore? All my cards are like revised/4th/ice age with some mirage and shit thrown in.


Are old cards even worth anything anymore? All my cards are like revised/4th/ice age with some mirage and shit thrown in.
Main money card from that era are the dual lands I think. Some other cards are worth some money as well, probably quickest to just go to a pricing site for the sets you have and look for high $$ cards and see if you have any of them.


Main money card from that era are the dual lands I think. Some other cards are worth some money as well, probably quickest to just go to a pricing site for the sets you have and look for high $$ cards and see if you have any of them.
Duel lands are way before that era. Lion's Eye Diamond is worth a bit. Dark Depths from ice age too. There's not many cards worth more than a couple dollars from 4th until Urza block unfortunatly.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Tutors from Mirage can also be sold fairly quickly at local shops, since the EDH crowd gobbles them up.