Yea.. if everything you said is true, then you are one of the lucky ones Morrow. They had upwards of 6 month delays on payments for a couple years there, depending on how large your sale was.
There are umpteen horror stories on mtgsalvation forums about how long they were taking to pay, and rejecting way more cards then most vendors. I've had them return cards that were very much NM by anyone's standards, and yet keep ones I was less sure of. There was very little rhyme or reason to it. That, coupled with some other things, gave many people a shady vibe from them.
I used them alot about 4-5 years ago, when their delay was a month at most, but they steadily got worse and worse until I just stopped using them for the most part. They also started reducing their buy prices as the delays got longer, because they couldn't keep up. Many people theorized that they were operating a complicated pyramid structure with their cards, buying cards without having the cash to pay, and then as sales came through they paid out a portion of backlogged sales. Along with the seemingly random way they rejected some cards, gave the impression they weren't running things in the adminstrative end very well.
Now, they always eventually paid me, though sometimes I'd have to send an email asking for the status to speed it up, but Cardkingdom, on average, paid within 10% of them and would send payment within a day or so of receiving the order. So, I mostly switched to them whenever I needed to unload stuff quickly.
I even posted on their forums for awhile, as they gave you small amounts of store credit for doing so, but it wasn't a very active forum.