Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
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So you were basically correct. Marvel wins the day overall and you can indeed slam 30 zombies into a deck and turn your cards sideways to win, even a pro tour.
You whiffed on the Mardu, but that is just because everyone was ready for them. So standard is now who get a the first aetherworks marvel on the board, yaaay.
I think this means you now 100% have to play black or red, to get access to removal and a sweeper effect for zombies and have good enough removal for ulamog.
Yea I'm very surprised mardu did as poorly as it did. It's match vs zombies is probably pretty bad, but it has to be favored vs most of the marvel piles. Maybe too many mardu decks had gone too far towards midrange and lost their early aggressive play vs marvel. I think for sure walking ballista needs to go from mardu, it just doesn't do anything for them anymore.
Marvel should continue being the deck to beat. Zombies is fine, but it's a pretty straight forward aggro plan with some recursion, and there's almost no flexibility to be found in the mainboard since your list so tribal (what little flex slots there are are basically only in the removal section too). Ultimately I don't see zombies sticking around, as if it does you'll just see marvel go to sultai colors for flaying tendrils/yahenis/demon of dark schemes.
I've mostly given up on standard for a while and am just slamming 4.5 color superfriends whenever I happen to play an event. So far very few people are prepared for like 14 maindeck walkers, so it's at least fun and can end in some hilarious nissa+chandra+tamiyo+arlin+ajani boards that are just pure cancer.
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