MaRo unofficial response to your video Ruby from his Tumblr..." markrosewater donovanthepizzaguy asked: URGENT: The other day in your fantastic smack-down of someone over Spike's depiction, you cited lots of great data. However, you cited the active playerbase as 12,000,000 people strong. But the last released numbers put it much closer to the lauded 20,000,000 mark. This has prompted some discussion to start, most visibly in Rudy's new video. Has the playerbase REALLY shrunk by up to 40%, or is this just citing the 'visible' players as the topic was competitive play? Please clarify this ASAP. There are numerous ways to count the player base. Active participation and awareness tend to be the ends of the spectrum. I leaned towards the active participation number because when proving a point, I usually take the lower number."