I would love to hear otherwise from WotC. I don't want to watch anything from MTGHQ to see if he has a screenshot or has posted an official letter/email.Only from him thusfar though, no? I don't see WOTC's take yet.
People in positions like him have been known to make things sound more dramatic for attention in the past.
I would love to hear otherwise from WotC. I don't want to watch anything from MTGHQ to see if he has a screenshot or has posted an official letter/email.
His Twitter has a picture of the supposed email his partner in crime was sent - but it looks very generic with plenty of potential to doctor. Couldn't find his anywhere in the toxic pile of spew on that Twitter though. Only hate and self-aggrandizing for the entirety of it.
No idea why I'm seeing a broken image + the proper image, text body looks like it only should be trying for the imgur.
Why would he lie about this? The downside of being caught lying would far exceed to the up side of it. This is a person with large scale youtube presence in MTG. Why would he risk that by putting out easily disproved lies.
You don't seem to aware of the battlefield here it isn't WoTC controlled territory. This is youtube fight and social media fight.
And? Provacateurs/trolls can make a good living at Youtube/etc - look at Pewdiepie.
Yes but they have a lot to lose if they get caught lying. In this case we have WoTC giving this troll exactly what he wants. His youtube reputation is far more important to him then any action WoTC could take against him. If he caught lying here the costs to his youtube carrier would far out way any temporary benefit gained by lying.
WoTC can only hope he has been that reckless with the truth because it will solve the problem of him very quickly for them. But it isn't logical even for a troll to risk everything by lying when he has that much at stake.
All these examples are quite different and would be handled in different ways. This isnt a court, a company taking an action isnt the same as setting a law precedent by your verdict on a case.The issue is that they took away “his” valuable online collection. That is the slippery slope and it’s a very valid discussion.
Pretend for a minute that he wasn’t a toxic piece of garbage. He makes a video exposing star city games for knowingly selling counterfeits. Totally rips into them and creates a firestorm. WotC gets pressure and takes his entire online account away.
Maybe he has video of a popular tournament player cheating and posts that. What if it’s also a fan favorite female player? What if it’s someone he has had a grudge with in the past but the video is still legit? What if he has proof that MaRo sexually harassed a player?
I get what you are saying and I don't disagree necessarily.All these examples are quite different and would be handled in different ways. This isnt a court, a company taking an action isnt the same as setting a law precedent by your verdict on a case.
If scg was 100% selling counterfeits on purpose and extensive evidence came out proving this? Wotc would likely drop them as a vendor, just like they would any store that knowingly does that. Hell, even allowing proxies in your tournaments can get you banned from hosting events (such as FNM). The store i worked at wanted to run modern/legacy tournies with 10 proxies until we found out the punishment.
If proof of a female player cheating came out, theyd take the exact same actions they take any time they have proof. Sure, a handful of fans might try to defend her, but the vast majority would understand.
This specific situation is not ONLY about the ONE video he made. There is an ongoing campaign, with dozens, if not hundreds ,of examples of this guy harassing and bullying members of the mtg community. Sprankle quitting was just the straw that broke the back. When taken as a whole, wotc decided this was not someone who they wanted representing the game in any way.
That is their choice. Its their game. If they make decisions the community doesnt agree with, they hurt themselves and their sales. NOT banning him would piss more people off then banning him is.
Your mtgo account is technically not 'yours' either. If their mtgo servers go down tomorrow and the company folds from some catastrophy, everyone would lose their collections. Wouldnt be anything you could do about it either. They wouldt owe anyone financial restitution. The values attributed to the cards is ephemeral. They dont guarantee their value in any way. A $20 rare card could come out in a new set at common and drop to 50 cents. They dont have to reimburse you for that lost value.
Its a bit different with physical cards, as the game was, and alwayd had been, marketed as a collectible card game. Specifically, in regards to the reserved list. That was the company making a promise to its playerbase that those cards availability would stay the same. If they wre to go back on that, there is likely grounds for lawsuits, which is the main rumor for why they have been so steadfast on their decision to not break it. That theyve been threatened with major lawsuits from big investors should they break it.
Yes, a CSV for a few categories.Are you going to put up a list of all these cards you've been conned into cataloging?
I don't think you are seeing that I am saying that they have set a precedent that some people are protected from even the implication. I am not talking irrefutable evidence. I am talking that right now if I had video of any of those things I listed which are all very different and I had a large MTGO account or was invested in the tournament scene at all I would be scared to post it. I would not post it because right now they have a precedent that if they don't like what you say it could lead to a lifetime ban.
without resorting to actual harassment of an individual over it
Anyone defending him because 'oh noes, his opinion was unpopular, what if YOUR opinion becomes unpopular?
I'm curious what other inventions you've cataloged.Yes, a CSV for a few categories.
I also have a pretty standard Affinity deck for sale
Affinity - Thomas Simetinger @ mtgtop8.com
Probably close to that if not identical, minus blood moons but some other randomness like an arcbound ravager invention.
Yea, i didnt mean to imply you were. Text arguments are annoying because its hard to fully clarify your point without it becoming a couple thousand word essay.I think that's where we differ. I am not defending anyone.