Dig out the Wastelands too then.Thanks, I noticed I had a stack of those last night, they were common so I didn't even consider them. Anything below rare was thrown into the bulk box.
I haven't played MTG in years. I got my DCI card in 1995 to be able to play in Pro Tour 2 on the Queen Mary and then played in a few more pro tours until I got a "real job" in 1997 and quit playing. In 2004 the national championship was a 3 hour drive away so I drove there and played in a qualifier, wound up winning and got to play in the national tournament. That got me re-interested for a little while and I started buying some booster boxes so that I could do some sealed or draft with some buddies but it didn't last long, most of the boxes wound up thrown in a closet.
I was on Youtube and stumbled on this guy Rudy from Alpha Investments, watched some of his videos, realized that some of this stuff is worth crazy money and then decided to dig through the closet to see just what I had in there and if it was worth anything. Pics below. Is there a way to get hold of this Rudy guy to sell him what I have got or is that the wrong approach? I could try going to some local stores here in town but I doubt they would pay much for this, maybe I'm wrong though.
Since no one else has mentioned it, that playmat in your pic is actually worth a fair chunk of change as well. Looks like a world championship mat? If it's in as good of condition as it looks there is a market for those old accessories, and some of the prices can be nutty.
thoughts from some of you fella on a largeish trade, guy has a signed SP candleabra of tawnos, he's wanting a trop,savannah and bayou.. im iffy on pulling the trigger for it or not
Long term I would take that trade if condition of candelabra was decent and dual land were revised. The signing of candelabra hurts not helps the value. But overall print runs on it were much smaller then on dual lands so long term it should rise in value faster then dual lands. If the dual land are beta are unlimited well thats a hell no for beta and likely wash long term on unlimited but revised and you should come out ahead.
Nearly all of my beta, expensive legends, arabian, etc. is signed. So are 40 fbbs. Most of it I got signed myself. In the unlikely event I ever sell, the person who buys it will know what they're getting into. Anyone who is going to pick up a beta Lotus will know what Chris Rush's sig looks like.
Can be any number of things. Pro players that have some famous event or are known for a particular card. Invitational cards with player likeness on them often get signed by the player. Richard Garfield has signed a lot of cards over the years as well. And sometimes random people for random reasons.Who is signing cards besides the artist?