MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
That's largely what RWB does with it. As much as I love the color combos, right now it feels like Golgari and Junk are both just bad RWB decks. Sorta like how last rotation a lot of decks just felt like bad Jund.

By all means keep trying. It's so early no one really knows what is going on yet. I hope I'm wrong at it works out.


Golden Squire
Yeah we shall see. I am extremely interested in seeing the deck lists from today's SCG event. I have two weeks until I can attend an FNM which is plenty of time to throw something together. Especially since I decided to bite the bullet and get Cockatrice for play testing which will help give me answers as to whether or not I can make it work.


Trakanon Raider
I'm planning to play this Friday. Should be able to pull together 4 Stormbreaths by then, and hopefully find Ashioks towards Esper.

I'm watching an Esper replay from today, and it really had a hard time vs. mono-red. Hammer of Purphoros appears to be pretty much the new Hellrider in terms of topdeck madness.


Trakanon Raider
I have this crazy idea to make a mono-blue (or close to it) fliers deck with thassa and bident of thassa as my top end. Maybe it's hopeless, but thassa being one of the cheapest/best gods makes me want to build a deck to break the card. Thassa into Bident is the majority of your devotion, if you went t1 Judge's familiar, t2 tidebinder, you are turning her on and swinging on turn 4. Granted, they will likely try to kill the tidebinder, but you can sac the familiar to counter it potentially which still leaves you with 5 devotion and if one creature gets through you start drawing to replenish. Unload a couple cheap fliers the next turn, with a dispel/swan song counter backup and you can start drawing tons of cards. The idea reminds me of original R/U delver decks, and I like aggro-control tempo decks like that where you drop some early threats then try to protect them for a few turns till you hopefully win. May need to splash a 2nd color, but want to keep it mostly blue so you can play cards with UU and UUU costs to make turning devotion on easier. Nightveil specter being a good example, but we can splash black in that case.

Unfortunately, I haven't played in a year, so I'm not as familiar with the ravnica block and what's currently best in standard to know if the idea is even feasible against other decks. If i'm wasting time even researching it due to some hard counter in the format, let me know.


Molten Core Raider
is there booster drafting in this? or like sealed decks constructed was fun, but it was the same decks i much enjoyed drafting instead, and is it free? ive had a itch to play magic just not spend the money, on real cards.


Trakanon Raider
Heh, nothing about MTG is free.

But thanks to eBay, I've got the most expensive half of the duals I needed for legacy for well under retail. Woot.


I have this crazy idea to make a mono-blue (or close to it) fliers deck with thassa and bident of thassa as my top end. Maybe it's hopeless, but thassa being one of the cheapest/best gods makes me want to build a deck to break the card. Thassa into Bident is the majority of your devotion, if you went t1 Judge's familiar, t2 tidebinder, you are turning her on and swinging on turn 4. Granted, they will likely try to kill the tidebinder, but you can sac the familiar to counter it potentially which still leaves you with 5 devotion and if one creature gets through you start drawing to replenish. Unload a couple cheap fliers the next turn, with a dispel/swan song counter backup and you can start drawing tons of cards. The idea reminds me of original R/U delver decks, and I like aggro-control tempo decks like that where you drop some early threats then try to protect them for a few turns till you hopefully win. May need to splash a 2nd color, but want to keep it mostly blue so you can play cards with UU and UUU costs to make turning devotion on easier. Nightveil specter being a good example, but we can splash black in that case.

Unfortunately, I haven't played in a year, so I'm not as familiar with the ravnica block and what's currently best in standard to know if the idea is even feasible against other decks. If i'm wasting time even researching it due to some hard counter in the format, let me know.
lots of burn, so creatures die easy. Also any strategy which is dependent on synergy (rather than benefiting from it) tends to not perform consistently enough in standard since there isn't much hand sculpting available.


Trakanon Raider
I really need to fucking uninstall the eBay phone app. It's making it way too easy to spend money.


Golden Squire
Heh yeah that could be bad. I can see myself spending lots of money on cheap rares and mythics that are actually worth more than the eBay list price.


Trakanon Raider
It's the combination of the phone app + insane commuter traffic. I find myself shopping at red lights for things. :/


Trakanon Raider
No one enjoying Theros? I'm a little surprised how quickly this thread dropped off after a new set release.

Grabbit, how goes the invitational prep?


NeoGaf Donator
I'm enjoying Theros a lot more than I enjoyed Ravnica. Finally got my thoughtseize playset together for my B/W control deck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bought a box and slowly opening the packs with a friend at work. We just do 3 packs each a day and build decks as we get more cards. So far 1 thoughtseize, couple of duel lands and the blue god. still 21 packs to go. I must say that I think the blue god has a good chance of making it into tier one control decks. If you draft the blue god, you play blue. The scry 1 is amazing and the unblockable is just $$. The white god is shitty even in draft/sealed unless you play mono-white.


NeoGaf Donator
Heliod is pretty shitty all around. 2ww for a 2/1 factory is pretty awful for chump blockers. The rest of the deities blow him out of the water.

Purphoros could be pretty sick for an agro deck.

The gods seem to pretty common for mythics. Out of the box I bought I got 1 heliod, 2 Erebos, 2 Thassa, and 1 Purphoros. No one I know has gotten a planeswalker yet.


Trakanon Raider
Master of Waves nearly quadrupled overnight. Someone must be doing something very interesting with it at the Pro Tour.


Trakanon Raider
It was also $5 last night, and up to $17 today. I would have expected a bounce in price much earlier if Cleveland was responsible.

Having played against it last night, it can turn around a game really goddamn quick.


Molten Core Raider
Then like you said, probably some new deck dropped last night at the Pro Tour and everyone heard about it and scrambled to get copies before this morning.


Trakanon Raider
I suspect it's also becoming a speculation target. Ten minutes ago there were a dozen foil Master of Waves on TCG between 20-23 bucks. Now there are zero. Someone is snatching up stock.