MTG thread


Golden Squire
Yeah combined with what is probably going on at PT Theros it is definitely being snapped up by speculators.

As for myself I've been doing a lot of swiss Theros release drafts on MTGO in order to sharpen my card evaluation and signal reading skills and it has been working. Right now I have a 67% match win percentage riding largely on my ability to correctly identify open colours and dive right into them. For example one draft two days ago I udentified that black/white were open and managed to get passed three Divine Verdicts, a Hero's Downfall, Underworld Sentry, and Fabled Hero in packs two and three. I did really well until the finals where a guy got pack one pick one Whip of Erebos and built his entire deck around it. Managed to put up a good fight at least


Molten Core Raider
Finkel on the Pro Tour stream just won a match with a mono blue devotion/nyxthos shrine deck, didn't watch the whole thing but I'd be amazed if it wasn't running 4x Master of Waves.


Trakanon Raider
It was. Master of Waves, Thassa, Tidebinder Mage, Nightveil Spectre for sure. I think Cyclonic Rift? I heard someone talking about that in blue devotion alongside Nykthos.

It's a pretty neat deck, but sounds very meta-dependent. Like worlds, sometimes the Pro Tours get a little too high concept to really apply much for us plebes.


Golden Squire
Yeah my guess is that Master of Waves is a response to all the red aggro running around. My BUG list I have been cooking up seems like it could deal with it no problem.


Trakanon Raider
I played against an Izzet version of it last night with my Esper, and the most difficult part of it was having my planeswalkers burned away. I did get to steal a Master of Waves with Ashiok though. That felt nice.


Molten Core Raider
It was. Master of Waves, Thassa, Tidebinder Mage, Nightveil Spectre for sure. I think Cyclonic Rift? I heard someone talking about that in blue devotion alongside Nykthos.

It's a pretty neat deck, but sounds very meta-dependent. Like worlds, sometimes the Pro Tours get a little too high concept to really apply much for us plebes.
Definitely an anti-Red/Green monstrous deck.


Trakanon Raider
The presence of Cloudfin Raptor is a little interesting, but I don't see how it is ever going to get above a 2/3.


El Presidente
Also 2/3 flying for 1 is pretty good anyways. The tension between devotion and all the awesome multicolor goodness from RtR block is certainly interesting.


Potato del Grande
Yeah... smashed one of those Master of the Waves decks at FNM tonight. I have 8 Skylasher + Mistcutter Hydra in the sideboard! The guy had red in for Pyromancer too, I played a mono blue version online and it was brutal. It'll have difficulty metagaming against such hate.


Trakanon Raider
I have this crazy idea to make a mono-blue (or close to it) fliers deck with thassa and bident of thassa as my top end. Maybe it's hopeless, but thassa being one of the cheapest/best gods makes me want to build a deck to break the card. Thassa into Bident is the majority of your devotion, if you went t1 Judge's familiar, t2 tidebinder, you are turning her on and swinging on turn 4. Granted, they will likely try to kill the tidebinder, but you can sac the familiar to counter it potentially which still leaves you with 5 devotion and if one creature gets through you start drawing to replenish. Unload a couple cheap fliers the next turn, with a dispel/swan song counter backup and you can start drawing tons of cards. The idea reminds me of original R/U delver decks, and I like aggro-control tempo decks like that where you drop some early threats then try to protect them for a few turns till you hopefully win. May need to splash a 2nd color, but want to keep it mostly blue so you can play cards with UU and UUU costs to make turning devotion on easier. Nightveil specter being a good example, but we can splash black in that case.

Unfortunately, I haven't played in a year, so I'm not as familiar with the ravnica block and what's currently best in standard to know if the idea is even feasible against other decks. If i'm wasting time even researching it due to some hard counter in the format, let me know.
The only card I hadn't put in my original idea, but it was on my 'to test' list, was master of waves. The rest of the mono-u devotion deck the starcity team showed up with was what I had been messing around with to play. There's a thread on mtgsalvation where a handful of us were discussing this deckMono-U Thassa Aggro - MTG Salvation Forums
It's moments like that, it's happened many times before, that make me really want to get serious about playing magic professionally.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's ridiculous with something else to buff toughness on your side - it's weak only when you've only got one Master to buff them up to keep them around, once you've got a few... especially with a few flicker effects...


Poet Warrior
Real quick I just wanted to interject. I know you guys all play legacy and vintage and have like 700 billion Black Lotuses in your wallet at any given moment and can solo Trakanon as a High Elf Cleric and arm wrestle a meteor and play the meta game and all that. I appreciate all of it and like reading what you all post here, I do, but I am a small fish.

So, I went to my first FNM ever (Standard Swiss?) last night with 23 total people and went 3-2 with a Boros-Legion deck (it is probably what you would expect but also with Spear of Heliod, Chained to the Rocks, and Elspeth) and the two people I lost to ended up being 1st and 2nd overall for the night, which is kind of a cool stat. The only people I lost to ended up being the best of the night! I ended up 6th overall and only won 2 packs but I had a ton of fun and learned a lot.

I will say this: I have a Thassa, a Bident, and a Master of Waves. All from one box. None of which are in current Standard use by me. The meta-gamers (or what I can safely assume were the meta-gamers) were all over my nuts for all three of those cards. Offering blowjobs and coke and Ferraris. They also wanted my Thoughtseize, Ashiok, and Domri Rade. All I ended up actually doing was trading my Thoughtseize for a Boros Reckoner and 5 other smaller standard rares that I just don't have right now including a Pithing Needle. Maybe he got me in the meta, I suppose, but I am quite happy with my Reckoner and my silly grip of little staple rares that I ended up with. (And now I am well on my way to making a decent green/blue deck...)

Anyway. When 'they' (the regulars) found out I had all these rare blue Theros cards and wasn't using them in a current deck, they SWARMED on me like bees. I might be newish (again) to Magic but I ain't no dummy. Their voracious appetite for my blue cards told me the cards were worth far more than whatever website the SWARM were looking at said they were (StarCity).

FYI because I heart RR and I hope you all fleece the population and build your ultimate blue deck of doom and win at everything and give me half. =D


NeoGaf Donator
I'd flip the master of waves imo. It's high now but I really see it going down soon after the afterglow dies off.


Golden Squire
I'd generally recommend to use TCGPlayer average price when it comes to trades. The only issue with it is for some of the higher value cards but whatever. If you download the MTGFamiliar app for your smartphone when you look up a card it'll connect to TCGPlayer to find the average price.

Today on MTGO I managed to basically go mono-red in a Theros draft with hilarious results.Thisis the list I drafted.


El Presidente
The store I manage uses TCG low price as our sell price typically. So everyone around here goes off of that. Shouldn't really matter which one you use typically as long as everyone is on the same page. Of course there are some outliers where the site used makes a massive difference, but for most things consistency is key.


Molten Core Raider
3 decks of the Top 4 at the Pro Tour were Blue Devotion decks with Master of Waves, the price may go up even more.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't know about how Master of Waves will hold - but Nythkos on MTGO has like tripled in price overnight been sitting on them for speculation and what was getting offers of $6 for 3 last night on the bots just got $21 for 3 this morning... (and I seem to pull one every draft or sealed.... those were just what I accrued yesterday)


Golden Squire
I don't know about how Master of Waves will hold - but Nythkos on MTGO has like tripled in price overnight been sitting on them for speculation and what was getting offers of $6 for 3 last night on the bots just got $21 for 3 this morning... (and I seem to pull one every draft or sealed.... those were just what I accrued yesterday)
Master of Waves will hold until someone figures out how to counter the blue devotion deck. Which you can bet the pros are already working on :p My guess is, sell now while it peaks then buy again when it drops again, because it *will* drop.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I would dump master of waves and thasa on MTGO. That deck is a metagame deck and it's not going to be a great one. Those cards aren't universally good, they're good in a very specific deck, and only a certain amount of people are going to want to play that deck.

Also I have a Hearthstone key to trade for MTGO stuff.