This is not even comprehensible. Just babies, and he went after the youngest specifically.
I don't really want to weigh in on the politics. Mass shootings in France, Germany, Norway...It just happens. No one can see the demons someone is carrying around in their head. The only comment I would make though, is that people have been killing people, and commuting suicide in schools for a long time. Except in most of the decades before the late 80's, the gunmen usually just shot one person, then killed himself. In fact, the incident rate of suicide/murder hasn't really gone up, as far as a cursory glance at the list of school shootings can tell me--what's changed is the amount of people who die before the psycho kills himself.
I know it's not scientific, but I really think that lends itself to what the forensic psychologist was saying about how the Mass Media essentially idolizes these guys 24/7. Maybe that, combined with lower access to health care, or a poorer outlook on life in general (Bad economy, Less parent time at home due to longer hours, lower quality of life/education--tons of things have changed) has created a kind of pressure cooker around people , that before the last few decades, would have just blown their own heads off and been done with it.
But who knows? Like I said...these were just babies. It's just so disgusting to think about that even the normal rational debate that comes from these things is difficult.