GuardianX, you tried to say that if guns were banned (which no one said) that this guy could have just pulled a 9/11 to kill a lot of people. Ridiculous.
Plenty of people were talking a ban on guns over the last few pages...
Also, no I am not saying that if you ban guns this person would have pulled a 9/11, I'm not fox news.
What I am saying is that people will find a way to pull off their acts of destruction. If you ban one thing you may limit the
TYPEof destruction that is used but you won't remove the
ACTof destruction.
Thus the reasoning:
If you remove firearms, they will use explosives
If you remove explosives, they will use knives
if you remove knives, they will use rolling pins.
It isn't a literal "they will use" and is more a commentary that people will find a way to accomplish their act of destruction using tools available to them.
The act of destruction is the thing that people should be focusing on from a psychological standpoint. What can be done to stay ahead of these things and prevent people from ever getting to these states? As I said previous, this isn't "we should do nothing" post, I have no clue the "correct" course of action. I think the focus on the
INSTRUMENTrather than the
MENTALITYof the situation is a little foolish because it doesn't ensure that the act rare occurs again. (Can't really say it would "never" happen again unfortunately).