Murders and Shootings


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Are you those guys? I'd think you would have a higher opinon of yourself.
what is really happening is corporate/government has become "father" too so many Americans now they don't even think about how to do things themselves, let father take care of it for them, let father catch the thieves for you and replace your items. Let father screen you at airports, let father decide what's good for you to eat. it's not just about people(gun) control.


what is really happening is corporate/government has become "father" too so many Americans now they don't even think about how to do things themselves, let father take care of it for them, let father catch the thieves for you and replace your items. Let father screen you at airports, let father decide what's good for you to eat. it's not just about people(gun) control.
What are you talking about?
Right, in your mind its equal to owning a baseball bat for fun because baseball bats can kill the shit out of people!
It's equal in the sense that I don't think I should be prevented from owning a baseball bat because someone else might use it to kill the shit out of people. The same argument applies to drugs or cars or anything else that might be risky. That argument only stops when you get into the realm of things that basicallycan'tbe used without fucking with/harming other people (like nukes). Prior to that, yes, they are absolutely in the same ethical class with regards to this specific question (and no amount of ridiculous, sarcastic bluster on your part will change that).

Listen, you jackalopes have already proven how dumb your arguments are. You're entitled to your opinion certainly, but can someone pro-guns at least have the decency to make a legitimate argument? I haven't even bothered pulling facts from google yet.
What facts could you possibly hope to pull from google to settle the fundamentally aesthetic argument that whatever the delta in violence is for having semi-widely available doesn't justify banning them? You're so fucking stupid you can't even grasp the fundamentals of the argument you're acting like an obnoxious twat about.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Great, so you legitimately have no reason for owning a firearm. Thanks for proving my point son.

Also, modern recurve bows have a super high rate of fire - and are just as easy to use as an AR-15.

Are you idiots even trying?
You're so stupid it's painful to watch. I was making fun of your retarded trolling in this thread, and you couldn't even tell.

Super high rate of fire, rofl
Not sure why you're surprised by my statement Mikhail, in almost any other material industry if the product is determined dangerous to the public it's usually regulated, restricted or banned from sale.
Honestly I didn't even understand what you were saying. My wat was pretty genuine. "Dangerous to the public" is an extremely loaded insinuation to level when it comes to guns. They're not some kind of toxin. Most of the time (and by "most of the time" I mean "so close to always as to be rhetorically unimportant") guns are not used in a dangerous manner and certainly not a manner that is dangerous to the public. As a standard, I don't think that even remotely suffices to make your point.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
You tried to form a straw-man and called called out for it. Don't pretend like you know why this guy did what he did.
Why are you trying to pick a fight with me?

I never built a straw-man and I never claimed I knew why he did what he did.

I stated several other things but you know what, you have eyes, you have reasonable powers of reasoning, go re-read what I said.
Wouldn't a shotgun be just as good for defending most of these hypothetical armed burglaries as a handgun or an automatic rifle? I've heard from cops before that they recommend a pump shotgun for home defense to people who aren't really shooters. Easy to use, unmistakable sound of chambering the shell is loud enough to send most intruders the other way before you even see them****, don't have to be a marksman to spray the fucker with shot if you actually do have to discharge it, and its safer since children don't have the upper body strength to pump it generally if they happened to get their hands on it.

**** (Lets be real here, most break ins are intended to be a smash and grab. If someone is home it was a miscalculation. The idea of burglars who want to take you hostage while they look through your dresser or decide to rape your wife while they're there is pretty rare. Its more the stuff of home security company scare tactics.)
So what?
You're so stupid it's painful to watch. I was making fun of your retarded trolling in this thread, and you couldn't even tell.

Super high rate of fire, rofl




Ahn'Qiraj Raider

A study in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery found that the gun murder rate in the U.S. is almost 20 times higher than the next 22 richest and most populous nations combined.

Among the world?s 23 wealthiest countries, 80 percent of all gun deaths are American deaths and 87 percent of all kids killed by guns are American kids.

Using data from surveys of detainees in six jails from around the nation, we worked with a prison physician to determine whether criminals seek hospital medical care when they are shot. Criminals almost always go to the hospital when they are shot. To believe fully the claims of millions of self-defense gun uses each year would mean believing that decent law-abiding citizens shot hundreds of thousands of criminals. But the data from emergency departments belie this claim, unless hundreds of thousands of wounded criminals are afraid to seek medical care. But virtually all criminals who have been shot went to the hospital, and can describe in detail what happened there.

Using data from a survey of detainees in a Washington D.C. jail, we worked with a prison physician to investigate the circumstances of gunshot wounds to these criminals.
We found that one in four of these detainees had been wounded, in events that appear unrelated to their incarceration. Most were shot when they were victims of robberies, assaults and crossfires. Virtually none report being wounded by a "law-abiding citizen."


<Gold Donor>
You're so stupid it's painful to watch. I was making fun of your retarded trolling in this thread, and you couldn't even tell.

Super high rate of fire, rofl
Giving up that easy? I'm disappointed son. Still haven't given an argument worth debating, except that maybe compound recurve bows should be banned. Loooool.

Have fun this weekend shooting cans of Thick and Chunky.


Golden Squire
Home schooling is the answer for that one. Doing it for my ten year old now and even more glad I did now.
Clearly this is what we should all do.

But, don't stop there. Remove your child from any contact with people from the 'outside' world. That should do the trick.


Why are you trying to pick a fight with me?

I never built a straw-man and I never claimed I knew why he did what he did.

I stated several other things but you know what, you have eyes, you have reasonable powers of reasoning, go re-read what I said.
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I was merely pointing out how you made a retarded post. Nothing more, nothing less. You then said that you thought opinions shouldn't be criticized and I'm here to tell you that you're going to be continually disappointed if the quality of your ideas remain the same as the posts I've criticized with regard to this event. This isn't personal.


<Gold Donor>
You guys have to put this shit in perspective. These types of events are really not on the rise. I was listening to NPR while picking up a few pizzas for the kids and they were discussing this with an expert. He basically said that these types of shootings happen about 20 times per year resulting in about 150 deaths per year. And this figure has been pretty constant. Compare this figure with the amount of single homicides in the US, annualy, which is about 15K, you can see how insignificant these mass murders really are.

He also mentioned that most of these events are pre planned, some like the columbine one, some 13 months ahead of time. this is not simply a person "snapping".


Blackwing Lair Raider
Went from sadness to just plain pissed off because of this. Maybe it's because I got kids, who knows. 20 little kids got everything wiped out in a blink simply because some little shit with 'mental' issues had access to guns. I don't know what the answer is. There are grown men that were brought to tears today simply because of the thought that it could of been their kid who got killed, because this happened at Anywhere, USA.

This fucking sucks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I must be really jaded. Academically, yeah its a terrible tragedy, can't imagine what the families are going through. But as far as personal emotions, I couldn't give less of a shit. Its totally alien to me that people are literally crying over this without knowing anyone involved. Yeah, its fucked up, but so was Columbine and Virginia Tech and Aurora. I get it, they are like nine years old, still not hitting me like it was my own.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I was merely pointing out how you made a retarded post. Nothing more, nothing less. You then said that you thought opinions shouldn't be criticized and I'm here to tell you that you're going to be continually disappointed if the quality of your ideas remain the same as the posts I've criticized with regard to this event. This isn't personal.
How were my points "retarded"?

I'm going to say it once more.

Treating theTOOLinstead of theACTis a temporary fix at best. I'm not claiming to know the be all end all solution to this but from what I have observed from the history books, weapons can be made from just about anything. Why not take a look atWHYpeople commit these crimes and notHOW? The "how" becomes irrelevant if the desire to commit an act like this is strong enough and this has been observed in history as well.

If this reasoning does not conform to your standards I completely understand it but to dismiss a point as "retarded" is a little juvenile.

I know this is asking alot after I jumped in and shit on this thread as well but can a mod move all the off-topic posts to the gun thread?


Golden Knight of the Realm
You guys have to put this shit in perspective. These types of events are really not on the rise. I was listening to NPR while picking up a few pizzas for the kids and they were discussing this with an expert. He basically said that these types of shootings happen about 20 times per year resulting in about 150 deaths per year. And this figure has been pretty constant. Compare this figure with the amount of single homicides in the US, annualy, which is about 15K, you can see how insignificant these mass murders really are.

He also mentioned that most of these events are pre planned, some like the columbine one, some 13 months ahead of time. this is not simply a person "snapping".
I think it is a mistake to weigh the cost of these events by counting dead bodies. There is a social cost too. Fear, trauma, anxiety produced in people from the affected community, and the anxiety easily becomes national. Not to mention, how many kids and adults at that school are going to have PTSD?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How were my points "retarded"?

I'm going to say it once more.

Treating theTOOLinstead of theACTis a temporary fix at best. I'm not claiming to know the be all end all solution to this but from what I have observed from the history books, weapons can be made from just about anything. Why not take a look atWHYpeople commit these crimes and notHOW? The "how" becomes irrelevant if the desire to commit an act like this is strong enough and this has been observed in the stabbings in Japan

If this reasoning does not conform to your standards I completely understand it but to dismiss a point as "retarded" is a little juvenile.

I know this is asking alot after I jumped in and shit on this thread as well but can a mod move all the off-topic posts to the gun thread?
How about we treatBOTH?!?!?!?The how is not irrelevant. Would you rather be hit by a car or a bicycle? You have to be a special kind of stupid or biased to insist that there are no degrees in forms of weaponry.