Alot of what you say is true. But have you ever saw an autistic kid before? And im not taking about some mild case here, im taking about a full out autistic kid? Or someone who is a diagnosed asperger kid?
For one, my asperger kid is not a brat. He pretty much does what he is told and is well behaved. Thats not the problem. He is a bit socially awkward, shy, but its not that bad. He has friends at school and around the neighborhood. The problem is that he hoards shit, he obsesses about things too much. For instance, lately hes been obsessing about gas masks. Hes been making them out of household things, like milk jugs...etc. Hes been bringing books home about them from the school library. On the internet he is looking up different models of gas masks and cataloging them in his notebook about gas masks. Its all he talks about and its pretty much consuming his life right now. We even went out to the local army surplus store to pick one up for him. It was the greatest day of his life. Before this was duct tape. He would make shit out of duct tape all day long if we let him. And before that it was legos. etc. He also does not let shit drop. If he wants something or wants to do something, he will go on and on about it. It does not have an end. Oh and he gets pretty anxious about shit too.
We notice this shit because we also have a pretty normal son as well. The doctors say that this pretty much evens itself out over the years, most of the cases they say fade away as kids get older in their teens. He has a pretty mild case, and unless you lived with us for a while to see the shit we see on a daily basis, you would think that there is nothing wrong with him at all. And no, he is not taking medication. Because there is none which help kids like him.