Nope, just looked at all the pictures of them, this one didn't have hair I could see but legs look right size and the butt was blue with red face. When I google red face blue body spiders I get nothing wounds and spider veins. Not sure I want to know to be honest.Sounds like a jumping spider, they're pretty harmless.
Wow, that's crazy. Never seen one of those in TX before. Sounds like a nasty one too.Jesus christ there it is!Survival Outdoor Tips: Common Texas SpidersHalf way down, mouse spider... "Males are often seen during the middle of the day wondering in search of females, especially after a heavy rain"
Reading further they appear to be only in australia despite what the above website says, dead on for what it looked like though.
and not being a casual, you played through the fearWhen I was a kid playing EQ in my parents basement we had tons wolf spiders. Any kind of plastic container would inevitably collect spider carcasses because they'd get trapped. Sometimes they would web their hairy ass down and hang out in front of my monitor. At times I'd have 2-3 just hanging out inches from the monitor. One time they were doing this and some fat 'me too' spider started coming down, broke its web and fell on my keyboard and scurried away in embarrassment.