I still dislike this chick even though she made the amazing discovery that she was being a cunt (that's a rare thing as we all know) and actually apologized for it, but she wasn't completely terrible. Still, Ninjabro was pretty damn cool and laid back, and for losing 36 fucking pounds he sure seemed like he could have gone on longer. I don't know that he was the best hunter/gatherer, but as far as pure stamina and endurance he has to be one of, if not the best. I don't remember anyone losing more weight than that, but I could be wrong. Even if they had stockpiles of bananas in the background like that other episode, that's a lot of fucking weight to lose and not be physically broken by the end. Except for his constant talk about ninja stuff, he is one of my favorites...even though when I think back he didn't do a lot, other than the awesome shelter, besides put up with her shit (literal and metaphorical) without murdering her.