didnt they bring Paul Giamotti a pineapple? its really not too much of a conspiracy theory based on what is being shown to us. the tv show shows the most interesting bits through editing. this episode most interesting bits consisted of the chick opening an almond/walnut and sitting on her ass, if anything feminists should fucking hate this show, the dude as useless as he was, managed to gather fruits,create a source of fresh water and built her some clothes and a little mat for her ass to sit on. so when he was gone, the chick kept whining about being left alone and her using everything that he provided for her and did almost nothing for self. when it was time for extraction that chick went from sitting in her little spot, jump cut to water, then her waving for the extraction boat. solid editing right there.I'm not saying that everything on these shows is kosher, but I am a little surprised by the level of conspiracy theory here. The camera crew brought her everything? More likely she just went back and forth to the water each day and then starved the rest of the time. Or ate some bananas that we never saw, who knows? And the machete thing, it would be a lot easier to believe that they just spliced together two separate times (as you mentioned) to make it a little more interesting, as opposed to actually giving them two machetes.
Yeah, this show is pretty boring a lot of the time, and they leave out shit like a team having plentiful access to bananas every day to increase the drama, but I really don't believe that they are actively feeding them or giving them extra stuff. If they were going to give this chick something extra, fire should have been top of the list. She just didn't do shit for 15 days so there was nothing really for them to show.
they spent way too much time on this guy retching up. i dont want to hear that shit, just narrate that he is sick and mute the volume. the editing is what really killed that episode. after the dude left. the chick was shown just sitting there cracking some nuts whining about being left alone, for 2 weeks. pissing and moaning about her "bubble" wasnt that bad as long they showed her doing stuff while she pissed and moan. if i wanted to watch someone complain all the time while sitting there accomplishing nothing i would just put a mirror in front of my computerHe definitely found the bananas and the pineapples (two of them), and that's what he ate when he was feeling sick. They were waiting for them and the bananas to ripen. I realize this show isn't that riveting or attention-grabbing, but at least watch it if you're going to make claims about them cheating.
I agree the editing for the last 15 days was terrible, but that's probably all they had of interest. I don't doubt for a second that she did nothing but get water and lay on the duct tape rug, with probably a lot of pissing and moaning thrown in. At least they spared us all that.
That's why I still like youif i wanted to watch someone complain all the time while sitting there accomplishing nothing i would just put a mirror in front of my computer
yea didn't anyone watch this stupid episode? smoking out of shape redneck couldn't even carry the fruit back.He definitely found the bananas and the pineapples (two of them), and that's what he ate when he was feeling sick. They were waiting for them and the bananas to ripen. I realize this show isn't that riveting or attention-grabbing, but at least watch it if you're going to make claims about them cheating.
I agree the editing for the last 15 days was terrible, but that's probably all they had of interest. I don't doubt for a second that she did nothing but get water and lay on the duct tape rug, with probably a lot of pissing and moaning thrown in. At least they spared us all that.