NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Legal Ephebophile
Blah blah. NBA is 5 on 5, I like 20% of the Heat's team. Just not the rest of them. I have no team loyalty as I was born in a state without an NBA team. I like LeBron, period. Don't like it, cry some moar about it.

Rings are rings and LeBron has one. Who gives a fuck what team he gets his rings on? I don't and the Hall of Fame won't either.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Blah blah. NBA is 5 on 5, I like 20% of the Heat's team. Just not the rest of them. I have no team loyalty as I was born in a state without an NBA team. I like LeBron, period. Don't like it, cry some moar about it.

Rings are rings and LeBron has one. Who gives a fuck what team he gets his rings on? I don't and the Hall of Fame won't either.
Jack Haley has a ring too.


Ssraeszha Raider
How does the Spurs winning a championship make Kobe a worse player? I don't think Kobe's better than MJ, of course, but what the fuck are you talking about?

And Lebron's overrated. Probably the best in the NBA right now, but not GOAT and definitely not good enough to win a championship by himself


Vyemm Raider
Winners build their teams up instead of jumping like bitches from team to team, hoping someone builds a team for them.

That's why Kobe and Jordan will always be head and shoulders above Lebron in NBA history.
As much as I hate agreeing with him, so much this.


Legal Ephebophile
How does the Spurs winning a championship make Kobe a worse player? I don't think Kobe's better than MJ, of course, but what the fuck are you talking about?
By Tim Duncan's ascension. It gives TD & Kobe both 5 and puts the Spurs up there in discussions as best dynasty of the Kobe era. If the Spurs win TD will have never lost a Finals, just like MJ. Kobe has been embarrassed in the playoffs a few times. I think TD's accomplishments really diminish Kobe's if they win this title.


Legal Ephebophile
As much as I hate agreeing with him, so much this.
Not anymore. Look at the last title winners. Lakers? Good via trade/FA. Heat? Trade/FA. Celtics? Trade/FA. Dallas? Trade/FA. Even the Bulls were built via trade/FA outside of Pippen/Jordan. The entire roster around them was different among the title teams. The later teams had Rodman, Kukoc, Harper & center by committee none of which came up in the Bulls organization.

In short that argument is bullshit outside of maybe the Thunder, and they haven't won. Everyone wins via trade/FA. Cavs got lucky to draft LeBron and then never gave him the tools he needed to win a title. Not his fault. With the new CBA you're just going to see more of this.

Besides, the Lakers are the fucking KINGS of importing talent to win. Besides Kobe no one during his tenure has came from the Lakers organization? Shaq? Trade. Gasol? Trade. Howard? Trade. Artest? Nash? Kobe threatened & demanded trades prior to the Gasol signing so don't act like he is so above it. Jordan went on to play after the Bulls as well. No one is immune to it.


Molten Core Raider
I don't give a fuck about the Heat. I only like LeBron. At this point I'm wanting the Spurs to sweep the Heat so that LeBron leaves in free agency because the Heat have issues. Bosh is a bitch, Wade is always hurt and just decides to take quarters off and their other role players like to go MIA (hahahahah) in the playoffs (Hi2u Battier).

LeBron had a triple double in game 1 and did his job. Heat lost because the team outside of LeBron is overrated. I'm really wanting Duncan to get a 5th ring to shut up the Kobe is better than MJ shit, I don't want to see Wade get a third ring and everyone with a brain knows that if the Heat lose it isn't LeBron's fault. He is literally doing everything. He already has one ring and he'll go into free agency setup to go to a younger team with budding stars (like the Cavs) and win a few more.

Spurs in 5.


Potato del Grande
Uh, you're missing the whole having a superstar THEN getting someone in a trade. All these teams HAD a superstar first by drafting them. These guys allow you to go out and convince another guy to team up with them. Shaq wasn't a trade, he was a FA signing. Artest, FA.

But I don't disagree that Lebron should leave that team. Wade and Bosh aren't suddenly going to get better with more wear and tear. When you go to the Finals 3 seasons in a row you get much less time off than everyone else. That shit takes its toll.


Legal Ephebophile
Heat had Wade by drafting him. I'm not missing shit. Besides, technically, LeBron & Bosh were FA signings also.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Not anymore. Look at the last title winners. Lakers? Good via trade/FA. Heat? Trade/FA. Celtics? Trade/FA. Dallas? Trade/FA. Even the Bulls were built via trade/FA outside of Pippen/Jordan. The entire roster around them was different among the title teams. The later teams had Rodman, Kukoc, Harper & center by committee none of which came up in the Bulls organization.

In short that argument is bullshit outside of maybe the Thunder, and they haven't won. Everyone wins via trade/FA. Cavs got lucky to draft LeBron and then never gave him the tools he needed to win a title. Not his fault. With the new CBA you're just going to see more of this.

Besides, the Lakers are the fucking KINGS of importing talent to win. Besides Kobe no one during his tenure has came from the Lakers organization? Shaq? Trade. Gasol? Trade. Howard? Trade. Artest? Nash? Kobe threatened & demanded trades prior to the Gasol signing so don't act like he is so above it. Jordan went on to play after the Bulls as well. No one is immune to it.

All those teams had legitimate leaders first before bringing someone else on board. And that's the point. Those are the leaders that will be remembered who led their teams to titles and built the teams up instead of team hopping like Lebron looking for easy titles.

Kobe, even Wade, Paul Pierce, Nowitzki, Jordan. All stuck by their teams through the hard times and the easy times while Lebron decided to quit on the Cavs instead and go find an easy way to get a title.

You can argue about what a great player Lebron was just by looking at the stats, but one thing that's indisputable is that Lebron will always be a second tier player when compared to the men above because not only were they good players but they were also leaders and some of them were even great leaders.

Have fun rooting for a bitch.



Lord of Guk
By Tim Duncan's ascension. It gives TD & Kobe both 5 and puts the Spurs up there in discussions as best dynasty of the Kobe era. If the Spurs win TD will have never lost a Finals, just like MJ. Kobe has been embarrassed in the playoffs a few times. I think TD's accomplishments really diminish Kobe's if they win this title.
Right.... Because going to the finals 7 times and ONLY winning 5 of them is such a stain. Talk to me when the Spurs go back to back.


Legal Ephebophile
Looks worse than going 5 times and winning all 5. Besides Kobe's teams had superior brought in talent, unlike the Spurs. Best dynasty since the Bulls imo!


Silver Knight of the Realm
This thread has turned gayer than gay. One loss and the little Heat bitch is giving up and people are handing the title to the Spurs? Can we trade Gaige for Mippo? I'll take a wall of text from somebody who sticks with their team vs. turncoat posts by a little bitch who turns their tail at the first sign of resistance. Only a "Lebron fan" would give up on his team one loss into the finals and actually go so far as to claim to be rooting against them just so that he can go play somewhere else. Lol.