NBA 2013?14 Season


Still a Music Elitist
Holy shit at the Warriors comeback. 42-15 run in the fourth quarter! The offense is outta this world when both Curry and Thompson are on their game. If only they could beat teams with winning records.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
So I don't pay too much attention to the NBA throughout the season, more when it gets closer to the playoffs. Just glanced at the standings and holy shit, the East outside of Indiana and Miami is fucking awful. That is pretty crazy


There is a war going on over control of your mind
nba isnt watchable till last 20 games and playoffs

just like baseball alot of the early and midseason games are just phoned in


A Man Chooses....
No the NBA is watchable at all times. Players have personality and it is actually entertaining, even in irrelevant games between bad teams. I just leave NBA TV on in the background about half the time during the season while I do other shit. So much random funny/entertaining stuff comes from your typical night of basketball. It is far and away the most "fun" sport, it's just not as compelling as the NFL.


<Bronze Donator>
There are some scheduling issues that cause some games to be of lesser quality than others. Back to backs are hard on teams especially when travel is involved. But this 'players coast until the playoffs' idea is a complete fan made myth.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
i dunno i used to watch the nba regularly and I just dont find alot of the midseason games to be entertaining or as competitive as I would expect from a professional level sports league


<Bronze Donator>
i dunno i used to watch the nba regularly and I just dont find alot of the midseason games to be entertaining or as competitive as I would expect from a professional level sports league
Are you going to games live or just viewing on tv? I ask because Idefinitelythink there is a complete 180 difference from an arena experience (probably even broadcast too there's more of a spectacle to playoffs on the TV for sure) between regular season and playoff basketball but if you break things down statistically there really isn't any in player production other than team scoring drops overall.


Trakanon Raider
Quality does go up in the postseason, but that's mostly because you don't have the worst half of the league playing games and coaches aren't going to worry as much about minutes. Also, it's hard to gameplan for a specific team during the regular season, whereas in the playoffs you're making adjustments from one game to the next and mini-rivalries develop. Playoffs are definitely more intense, but I'd rather watch regular season basketball now than any other sport (when my teams aren't involved). I wouldn't have said that a few years ago, though...the Isolation era was unwatchable for me, but the quality from team to team right now is about as high as I can remember it.
I probably go through about 2-3 games per day. I'm often working on my computer and not giving full attention, but I'm loving my League Pass.


A Man Chooses....
Alright, I lied. They aren't all entertaining. This Knicks/Nets game has Sir Charles announcing and it's still barely watchable. The entire game is just shitty defense, shitty offense, and wide open threes in transition as old/slow people don't cover their men.


Molten Core Raider
I'm really enjoying watching the Mavs this year compared to the last two when they had bad point guard play or no Dirk. Even if they can't defend that well they are scoring lights out.

Dirk/Monta two-man game is awesome.


<Bronze Donator>
Quality does go up in the postseason, but that's mostly because you don't have the worst half of the league playing games and coaches aren't going to worry as much about minutes. Also, it's hard to gameplan for a specific team during the regular season, whereas in the playoffs you're making adjustments from one game to the next and mini-rivalries develop. Playoffs are definitely more intense, but I'd rather watch regular season basketball now than any other sport (when my teams aren't involved). I wouldn't have said that a few years ago, though...the Isolation era was unwatchable for me, but the quality from team to team right now is about as high as I can remember it.
I probably go through about 2-3 games per day. I'm often working on my computer and not giving full attention, but I'm loving my League Pass.
Some good points here. Obviously if you eliminate the bottom half of each conference you're by default going to have more evenly matched teams playing each other. That alone leads to more exciting basketball. And coaching can definitely be seen simply by the pace of play dropping across the board as teams try and emphasize defense.

The only point I'm trying to make is that player production doesn't suddenly take a drastic increase once we hit the playoffs. Lebron has played in nearly 800 regular season games and at the end of this season 150 in the playoffs. Statistically he's been the exact same player in both samples. You'll find this to be true for almost any player with representative sample sizes. Players coasting in the regular season is a myth.

Now the way these arguments always go is people will now cherry pick like 3 example outliers of players who historically played better in the playoffs and tell me I'm wrong.


Molten Core Raider
Having watched Dirk for 13ish years in the playoffs, I know for a fact he plays better. Pretty huge sample size, too.

22 points/8 reb vs 26 and 10, with similar usage rate (One of only 3 players who avg 26/10 in the playoffs). Pretty big jump, compared to some other notable superstars who have logged a lot of playoff games.

That's not to say he coasts in the regular season, but he won't put his body on the line for rebounds and he isn't taking every single shot in crunch time - there are definitely players with the same attitude and I don't think anyone is going to blame them for that if you know making the playoffs is a given. You are right though, the majority of players stats are pretty much the same regular season vs playoffs.


<Bronze Donator>
Having watched Dirk for 13ish years in the playoffs, I know for a fact he plays better.
Now the way these arguments always go is people will now cherry pick like 3 example outliers of players who historically played better in the playoffs and tell me I'm wrong.
Called it!

Also, no he doesn't. His career WS/48 in the regular season is .208. His career playoff is .205. PER is 23.5 to 24.7. These are box score calculations. He plays 5 minutes more on his career in the playoffs. The usage being the same helps prove this even more. Compare his Per 36 numbers. 22.6 and 8 vs 22.6 and 9.

He is literally theexactsame player in both environments playing more minutes in one of them. That's it.

Now you're a Dallas fan that's "watched Dirk play for 13 years" so you're still going to disagree, but the stats are on my side of the argument.

Edit: I didn't really finish your post where you come to the conclusion that I'm right in most cases so sorry for being as ass, but you're wrong with Dirk. Haha.


Molten Core Raider
The stats are pretty much the same when you bring in per minute, yeah.

Stats are not the whole story, especially in the NBA - some analytical guys are starting to realize this. Soon there will be some new stats developed once they get enough data from the new STATS LLC cameras being installed in every arena.

A few decades ago baseball sabermetrics had its revolution in part because analysts realized the game was only technically a team sport, and that it was more aptly dissected as a sequence of outcomes that involve sovereign performers competing in one-on-one encounters. But basketball exhibits the exact opposite nature and is in desperate need of a very different kind of analytical revolution. Unlike home runs or strikeouts, almost every basket, made or missed, in the NBA is the product of teamwork - coordinated and connected actions by multiple actors behaving (or in some cases, attempting to behave) as a unit. As a result, every basketball analysis that fails to account for the natural ecology of the game is inherently flawed - and to this point, almost all "advanced" analyses make no such ecological considerations.
Just the eye test, I know Dirk is a better player in the playoffs - Not every shot is equal. 2011 wasn't his best statistical playoff run but he hit more clutch shots and passed out of double teams to open 3 point shooters before they even realized it was happening (something he was bad at earlier in his career). He hit game winning shots in crunch time twice vs Miami, twice vs OKC, and once vs Portland - all those shots count the same on the stat sheet.


Still a Music Elitist
Man0warr is two posts away from defending QBR. Taking "clutch" shots into account.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah 13 shots taking over the course of one playoff series define completely who a player is.