NBA 2013?14 Season


Legal Ephebophile
Yup, done for the season. Chicago looks pretty fucked. Deng is in a contract year, right? Probably amnesty Boozer.
Just blow it all up. Even if he comes back on schedule (hahahahaahaha) he won't be the same player. Taking what is essentially two years away from the game is just too much.


Ssraeszha Raider
Just blow it all up. Even if he comes back on schedule (hahahahaahaha) he won't be the same player. Taking what is essentially two years away from the game is just too much.
Just blow it all up. Even if he comes back on schedule (hahahahaahaha) he won't be the same player. Taking what is essentially two years away from the game is just too much.
Blake Griffin came back from the same thing in a few weeks during his college days. Safe to say he still has hops. It's not on the same knee as his ACL injury, so I think long-term he'll be fine. It's just sad because he was just lighting it up too.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Blake Griffin came back from the same thing in a few weeks during his college days. Safe to say he still has hops. It's not on the same knee as his ACL injury, so I think long-term he'll be fine. It's just sad because he was just lighting it up too.
Blake Griffin gets away with molesting other guys every game.
Blake Griffin came back from the same thing in a few weeks during his college days. Safe to say he still has hops. It's not on the same knee as his ACL injury, so I think long-term he'll be fine. It's just sad because he was just lighting it up too.
Report on local sports talk this morning was that he was out for the season.

Also Michael was a transcendent player, whom Rose isn't even a shadow of. Funny enough though MJ was shooting at a 50% or better clip before he took off to try out baseball and never hit the fifty percent mark after his return. So even the best player to ever play the game wasn't immune to taking that much time off.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Report on local sports talk this morning was that he was out for the season.

Also Michael was a transcendent player, whom Rose isn't even a shadow of. Funny enough though MJ was shooting at a 50% or better clip before he took off to try out baseball and never hit the fifty percent mark after his return. So even the best player to ever play the game wasn't immune to taking that much time off.
MJ was never a great shooter. The reason he was always above 50% before baseball is because he fucking drove and dunked on everyone getting high percentage shots. When he came back he was older and had to become more of a shooter. It had nothing to do with time off and everything to do with getting old.


Trakanon Raider
MJs numbers dropped across the board after his baseball stint. I just recently put some stats together to measure MVPs and didn't realize how much he dropped off until I was trying to figure out why his '96 and '98 MVP seasons weren't stacking up. Not saying he was bad after he came back (only D. Robinson had a case for the '96 MVP based on my numbers, but his team didn't win 72 games...I haven't looked up other candidates for '98 yet), but he definitely wasn't the player he was before he left. Which goes to show just HOW great he was from '88-'93. His '88 MVP season was the best on my list since they've started tracking steals, blocks, and turnovers. Not that anyone really needs convincing on how great Jordan was...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
So he has blown out both knees now.

This guy will be lucky to play at 50% of what he could play before, even when he recovers 100%


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Some of you guys must have forgotten about the 90s NBA, for sure.
As far as i remember there were your supporting league players, your scrub NBA players, average NBA players, great NBA players and after all these there was also MJ.
He didnt even play in the same league as all the other guys around the 90s.
And after his stint in baseball, he simply dropped down to great NBA players level. Nothing to be ashamed about but if you considered DRose a great player before his injuries, imagine what level shaky knees DRose will play if he would return.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did the Lakers really just extend Kobe for over 40 million for two years? What a horribly run franchise.


<Bronze Donator>
I think the rationale is that he either gets the extension or he retires(or maybe some other team pays him too much?). Either way, he isn't playing for the Lakers and not generating revenue for the team. I obviously don't have the numbers to back this up, but I'm guessing the Lakers management thought the Kobe Bryant name generated at least that much revenue for them.

Certainly not a good way to build a championship team though.


Molten Core Raider
Dirk is about to take a paycut down to $10m/year or maybe even 5 - which means the Mavs will have some huge money this offseason with Marion coming off the books, too. Dirk wants to be the 3rd or 4th best player going into his last years. Who knows if they will get anyone but there are some big names that can opt out this summer and next.

Kobe on the other hand, still believes he can lead the Lakers to a title (and that he's the best player on the court) at 35, coming off an injury that has basically ended the careers of everyone else who has had it.


Ssraeszha Raider
Some of you guys must have forgotten about the 90s NBA, for sure.
As far as i remember there were your supporting league players, your scrub NBA players, average NBA players, great NBA players and after all these there was also MJ.
He didnt even play in the same league as all the other guys around the 90s.
And after his stint in baseball, he simply dropped down to great NBA players level. Nothing to be ashamed about but if you considered DRose a great player before his injuries, imagine what level shaky knees DRose will play if he would return.
MJ went from greatest player in the world by a wide margin to best player in the world by a little smaller margin. He was less athletic for sure, but his jump shooting and post game improved dramatically. He was definitely above "great". Hell, when he came back with the Wizards would be when he was down to "great". He scored 51 points followed by 45 the next game, both in only 38 minutes. His scoring average was a lot lower due to playing much less minutes per game, but he was still amazing in his limited play time.

He also caused a lot of all time greats: Barkley, Ewing, Stockton, Malone, etc to endure the "never won a championship" stigma for the rest of their lives.