NBA 2015-2016 Season thread


Potato del Grande
I'll spare everyone from a stats-aren't-everything rant. Lebron put up a lot of stats this game, but it was Kyrie making the big shots and attacking the basket in the way you have to in a finals. Dude was amazing this finals.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
popsicle is a fucking troll. Just ignore.

An unforgettable sporting moment. Ill remember this night and this championship forever.


<Gold Donor>
Cleveland should be most thankful that Golden State did not sign John Elway to a one game contract. That would have been certain death for Cleveland.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Well, Cleveland finally got a championship. I'm happy for them. Im interested to see who stays in Cleveland next year and the Warriors...are not the best team ever. Jordan reigns supreme. All is right in the world.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Stephen A. Smiths face right now brings me an intense amount of joy.

He talked so much shit about the Cavs after Game 4 and was endlessly predicting they were DONE, OVER, FINISHED. lol, good enough, maybe next time he wont just jump on a sound bite to make noise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Big grats to long suffering Cleveland fans. May the Browns go 4-12 this year to restore balance.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
^ lol. There are so many after effects from this single night, its unbelievable.

Not only that but LeBrons brand just skyrocketed even higher. He is going to make so much more revenue because of this title. The image of him running off the arena floor with the Larry Obrien trophy and his MVP is going to play over and over for years. It was a perfect visual, he did basically go in and steal that championship being down 3-1 and put his legacy beyond reproach. If he never wins another title it wont matter.

edit: He also murdered the 3. Teams will still jack them up at record pace, but he did put the whole the game is changing concept to bed for a while. He and the basketball gods balanced the scales, as honest to goodness basketball triumphed over the LOLSPLASHBROS 800 3's IN A SEASON!!!1111!!


Molten Core Raider
He also murdered the 3. Teams will still jack them up at record pace, but he did put the whole the game is changing concept to bed for a while. He and the basketball gods balanced the scales, as honest to goodness basketball triumphed over the LOLSPLASHBROS 800 3's IN A SEASON!!!1111!!
hahah truth!


I wish Lebron was an asshole sometimes. It woulda been sweet in one of his post game interviews to have been like "yeah, GS is a good team, but we pulled it out when it mattered...hope noones feelings got hurt"


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'll spare everyone from a stats-aren't-everything rant. Lebron put up a lot of stats this game, but it was Kyrie making the big shots and attacking the basket in the way you have to in a finals. Dude was amazing this finals.
Lets forget about the triple double. Lets forget about "The Block". Lets forget about everything Lebron did. Kyrie deserve kudos. Kudos Kyrie for playing with Lebron!

And Love finally put in work! Dude was grabbing boards like Rodman trained him!


Ssraeszha Raider
Kyrie played great so I don't want to take anything away from him, but some of the LeBron comments in this thread are hilarious. Were you people watching a different game?

When you leadevery playerin the series inevery singlebasketballing stat, you get to have the MVP trophy. Somehow this is controversial to some of you brilliant basketball minds?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'll always wonder what the fuck Ezeli was doing in the game in the 4th quarter. Guy has been complete shit for weeks, and you had to start him tonight and hope he'd give you something, but he showed early in this one that he just didn't want any part of it. That foul he committed on Lebron shooting the 3 completely changed the momentum in the 4th. Lebron hadn't hit like a single jumper all night... with the Warriors up 4 he commits an all-time bone-headed foul while Lebron is shooting the 3. The free throws get Lebron in rhythm... he comes down next possession and actually hits a 3. Just like that up 4 to down 2.

I'll always put half an askterisk on this series for Lebron baiting Green and then the Cavs org. pleading with the league for a flagrant. This is the finals, 3 strikes and your out bullshit should not apply. Green did nothing in THIS SERIES worthy of a suspension. He didn't touch LeBron's dick, fuck off.

That said, once you get past the fact that the Cavs probably lose in 5 if all that bullshit didn't take place, they did earn it once it happened. When Lebron made that block on Iguodala during the 89 all deadlock, you can't do shit on that one but tip your cap to him. Perfectly fucking timed block and displayed how he just wanted it more than anybody else on the court. You have to say good for Cleveland finally getting that monkey off their back.

Scoreless in the last 4 something minutes though... jfc. That Curry behind the back was what the fuck. Curry had such an amazing season, but about the only time I saw that Curry during the playoffs was in the first half of game 1. Then he sprained his ankle, came back and hurt his knee, and he just never seemed quite right after that. But its difficult to say, cause even in last year's playoffs he moped a lot when teams got physical with him. So maybe that's all it was.