Hollywood has been lying to me! Avalanches don't make a sound!
Holy shit right! Like a god damn ninja!Hollywood has been lying to me! Avalanches don't make a sound!
In this caes, that's because the sound actually happened before the videotaping, and it took time for the avalance to come all the way down to hit EBCHollywood has been lying to me! Avalanches don't make a sound!
Yeah they do, they get a bit funny from time to time and it can be a pain to get permits.Does China allow north route Everest climbs anymore?
Over 5k people have stood on the top of the world as of now. Mountains like Annapurna, K2 and Kangchenjunga are alot more committing, require much more technical skill/knowledge, have worst weather and are far riskier. I don't think we will ever see a day when K2 or Annapurna are fixed rope walks - I hope not anyhow.5k dead total now. and wow 18 dead at Everest... that's like 25% of the people on the planet who are even capable of Everest.
Will never, ever happen. Everest is nothing more than an escalator ride to the top; K2 and Annapurna requiremassiveskill to even attempt.I don't think we will ever see a day when K2 or Annapurna are fixed rope walks - I hope not anyhow.
As of 2011 about 1,000 climbers a yearattemptto reach the summit, and on average 15-20 perish.
Don't you know? If B is harder than A, then A is super easy. It's logic man. Take a math class.Everest is still a serious fucking risk. People die every single year on that mountain, Sherpas included. Clueless fucking forum warriors in this thread.
List of people who died climbing Mount Everest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Add to the fact, that nearly all of the bodies are just left there for eternity. Once in the "death zone", you are fighting for your own life for each and every breath. No one is risking their life hauling down corpses. Honestly something like 200+ bodies on the mountain out of the 250'ish deaths.
Over 200 Dead Bodies on Mount Everest
But yea, whatever forum bros... it's just a walk up a cold hill. *rolleyes*