Update on mobile use: Can click things with touch screen and get to character creation, can't type anything into the name field to make a character. That's about as far as I got.Mmm, I've played it on my Kindle Fire and my iPad Mini. Must be some kind of bug... yay mobile testing.
KS $20+ backers get account access on Friday, April 17th, so you can powerlevel all weekend with your sweet KS-only items while the peasants are forced to wait outside the gates until Monday to create their first character. The local accounts will not be wiped on launch day despite my fervent desire to banish local accounts. I would rather wait until the players "buy in" to the account system and feel confident using the site.Any chance on giving backers early server account access? Am hesitant on really putting in any time before this goes live.
Your website is listed as "uncategorized" and therefore blocked by work filters. I am sure if you changed it to "games" it would also be blocked. Haha!I made subtle mention of this in my Kickstarter video. It's the perfect game to play while bored at work. lol
I just clicked it again and instead of Uncategorized, it's listed as "Suspicious" now. Dammit!No don't change it! My work doesn't block uncategorized.