Neverwinter: PC


Yeah I am the same.. Always wanted to make stuff to ADD to do anything about it
.. However if any one has a key let me know




Silver Knight of the Realm
From about 2 hours a experience with the weekend beta, I find the game pretty fun, though I will agree the character models need some work and some help in the animation department, its not a game breaker for me. Just curious how much a month it's going to cost me play with the cash shop?


I played for a few of hours today, and I have to say I'm not that impressed. My expectations were low, and I pretty much got what I expected. The graphics are fair, and the animations are terrible - but this is definitely not a deal breaker for me. What really bugged me was the gameplay.

What made me want to try this game was the combat videos - I saw people blocking / dodging telegraphed attacks and running outside of red circles on the ground to avoid AoEs, and there seems to be a potential to add an element of strategy to solo play that normally only shows up in raids. Unfortunately, thats not really how it worked out - at least at lower levels. There is no reason to bother avoiding attacks or or really do anything other that attack with your most damaging ability. Blocking an attack will certainly reduce the incoming damage, but you generally get about double the life you need to complete a quest, so the net result is that it just takes longer to finish. You can pretend to use strategy, but whatever you end up trying just ends up working, so whats the point? I've heard the difficulty ramps up at higher levels, but after a few hours I was pretty bored.

The game was also pretty linear, there only seems to be one offical quest to do at a time. I'm sure the foundry system will solved this issue in the future. But for now there's not much to choose from.

If you're interested in this game and haven't tried DDO, then I'd definitely recommend trying that out - it's a vastly superior game. If you don't like DDO, or have played it to death, then I would recommend waiting a few months for some decent missions to be added to the jobs board.


Vyemm Raider
Well, it looks like Cryptic is doing their best to remain the industry leaders in mediocre mediocrity. The game isn't reallybadit's just really meh. Will definitely give it a shot at release, mostly to try out the Foundry. That is IF they can get their shit together. How the fuck does a studio that's on their 4th game have so many bugs with the launcher, patching and general client stability? I was in the beta for all 3 of their previous games and none of them were this bad.


A nice asshole.
Trying to play it a little more and when I hit town I just rubberband to the entrance every 10 mins. I can run all the way to the other side then POP right at start again. LOVE DnD so at this point rather start playing dungeons and dragons online again.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I really dislike the UI. I want to be able point and click certain things without having to use the Alt-key first.


I'd really like to get into the foundry beta and try it out.. goddamn. I am enjoying the dungeon crawling though, tons of traps in some of them and quite a bit of hidden rooms and shit. You can also use traps to kill monsters, which is pretty neat I guess.

Game is pretty average, but I've had fun this weekend.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Played this a little this weekend, guardian to 10, overall seems OK. Same level of interest as a few of these upcoming MMOs for the most part, just enough to get me to try betas and install any F2P clients once they're released for gaming ADD reasons.


I haven't played any MMO's besides EQ way back in the day and FF11 for the first few months it came out, so it's been about a decade since I've played an MMO other than coming back to EQ for a bit a few years ago. Obviously my impression probably won't be the same as some of you who play a lot of MMO's. A couple friends and I played the game pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday, got up to about 24, and had a really fun time. The world looks awesome and I think the graphics are solid. The UI, chat system, and group systems are pretty terrible and clunky overall, but they're manageable once you get em figured out. Gameplay was really fun to me. Once I got to the mid teens as a rogue I was jamming pretty much every ability hotkey each fight, and the stealth aspect was fun to play around with. When our tank and cleric left I had to rely on dodging attacks, timing stuns, and a lot more strategy to stay alive because stuff started ripping into me by the time we got close to the 20's. I'm not one for lore and story in MMO's, so I pretty much skip past most dialogue until I can find out what the objectives are. Basically, gameplay is the most important thing to me, and I thought it was great in this game.


Vyemm Raider
I haven't played any MMO's besides EQ way back in the day and FF11 for the first few months it came out, so it's been about a decade since I've played an MMO other than coming back to EQ for a bit a few years ago. Obviously my impression probably won't be the same as some of you who play a lot of MMO's. A couple friends and I played the game pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday, got up to about 24, and had a really fun time. The world looks awesome and I think the graphics are solid. The UI, chat system, and group systems are pretty terrible and clunky overall, but they're manageable once you get em figured out. Gameplay was really fun to me. Once I got to the mid teens as a rogue I was jamming pretty much every ability hotkey each fight, and the stealth aspect was fun to play around with. When our tank and cleric left I had to rely on dodging attacks, timing stuns, and a lot more strategy to stay alive because stuff started ripping into me by the time we got close to the 20's. I'm not one for lore and story in MMO's, so I pretty much skip past most dialogue until I can find out what the objectives are. Basically, gameplay is the most important thing to me, and I thought it was great in this game.
Don't see how you had trouble staying alive at any time. I got a rogue to 26, potions kept me alive til I got my cleric companion at 17, and after that I never even had to look at my health bar except on a couple boss fights. Faceroll easy, I probably used dodge less than 20 times the whole weekend. Of course, the bait and switch (decoy) has a built in dodge back, so that helped, but I hardly used it after 17. Never died once. I hear it does get a little bit tougher at higher levels though.

Edit: Also, when I was upper teens low 20's I was like 3 levels behind the main quest line. After a few quests I stopped and did a couple Foundry's to get caught up. Not because I came even close to dying, just so I could kill faster...
I want more powers and to have more slots for powers. The combat in this game was VERY reminiscent of a more actiony CoH - not too surprising considering its pedigree. It's a solid game but I was hoping for more complexity. I might write a couple short campaigns for it.

Dudelander_sl said:
What made me want to try this game was the combat videos - I saw people blocking / dodging telegraphed attacks and running outside of red circles on the ground to avoid AoEs, and there seems to be a potential to add an element of strategy to solo play that normally only shows up in raids. Unfortunately, thats not really how it worked out - at least at lower levels.
As a control wizard, there did seem to be some opportunity for finesse... but maybe only because I completely refused to use potions (there are always like 70 elixirs in my bag by the end of a FF game). I made it to 20 something and difficulty did start to ramp up a little bit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I played this a little bit and it made me homesick for P99, so I went back and started playing my lvl 4 Iksar Necro.


Don't see how you had trouble staying alive at any time.
I never had real trouble staying alive. Only died once when I wasn't paying attention and got attacked by a mimic and a couple orcs at once, but I went with a DPS pet and geared myself for full DPS. I did get ripped up pretty good by some of the bigger mobs though.