Man it's hard to figure out the optimal thing to do when you hit 60 this close to a new module. Just do dailies for the campaigns? Farm the dragons with everyone else? Spend 50k on equipment I'll immediately replace?
do the campaigns to unlock the boons, they are the only thing of consequence you actually gain from the campaigns (well also tod gives you artifact mh weapon). everything else is junk, just do whatever you need to do to unlock the boons.
Yeah I was wondering that myself - if the old campaigns are basically obsoleted because everyone is only doing the new stuff. How much work is it to get the AA skills and finish the campaign trees, if you aren't sticking around to farm up outdated gear? Meh I'll find out if I ever get there. Bloodborne comes out next Tues so I sorta started this at totally the wrong time, heh.
Also I meant to compare it myself but I was wondering if you lose anything selling off trash through the website vs running back to a vendor somewhere. Seems pretty handy if you are in the middle of an instance.
And finally, when people say leadership is the slowest to level, I assume they mean because at higher levels you have the gold/AD to throw at the crafting profs that require materials and actual effort.
the boons are never obsoleted, it's a small barrier to entry for new players and they expect ppl to dump $50bux per campaign or far more than that in AD on the unlocks to "catch up". There is a minimum stuff you need to do as a free player to finish the campaigns. for Sharandar do the 3 daily quests only. for DR just do the daily lair. for IWD buy 12x Reghed Barbarian Relics, convert them to the campaign currency then do just the 1 daily (mine 300 Black ice, get credit for any HE). for ToD just do the daily/weeklies. You literally have no reason to do RoT dailies, other than they speed up ToD boon unlocks. The fangs do nothing.
None of the gear from any of the post release content is worth using. The BiS gear for every class (except Warlocks) is either one of the original T1 or T2 sets from launch. With Tiamat launch that gear is now basically free (salvage cost) on the AH so no reason not to just buy your gear now, and if the lvl 70 stuff obsoletes it, then just salvage it and get all your money back.
This was one of the problems (in addition to artifact equipment) that a level cap increase could of totally fixed, but i'm not sure if it will or not. For example, DC armor T1 high prophet, it adds a debuff on all clerics attacks, that increases dmg against the target by 10%, and it stacks 3 times. That means a DC wearing this armor increases his groups DPS by 30%, and for Heroic Encounters like IWD, RoT, or Tiamat, increases everyone's damage by 30%, whether its 1 player attacking it or 30. This is the T1 armor that comes from the starter epic dungeons. Where the fuck can you go from there? Next upgrade is +35%? +40%? no. they realized (far too late) that most of the T1/T2 gear was simply too good, but they didn't get around to nerfing during beta and it's too late now, ppl have been using those same sets for 2 years now. So yeah they keep adding minor upgrade tiers of gear, t2.5, t3, etc, but 500-1000 extra gooder stats is nothing compared to the original set bonuses from the original gear. With the level cap increase the stat softcaps are going to change, and you'll need more stats to hit those caps, but still, unless the content is straight up 1 shotting anyone without max stats, people will still wear the old gear unless the new gear set bonuses are better, which they can't be without breaking the game.
Selling through the website is the same as selling in game. it's a neat "feature" workaround whatever you wanna call it, cus fuck 10bux per bag.
Leadership is the slowest to level because you can only gain 3x slots 240exp, the rest are 120 or 160 experience. All the crafting profs have 800 exp per slot gatherings or 500xp per slot crafting recipes you can use. You can get as much experience using 1 slot for 6 hours leveling a crafting skill as you can using 9x slots in 24 hours for leadership.
ps names are only unique to your @handle so you will see 1k
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--
if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */It's pretty cool actually cus fuck joining a game 2 years after launch and ending up with some erqiertja handle as everything else is taken.