Millie's Staff Member
i dont remember anymore, but now that i think about it, she might have been in that Eddie Murphy movie, Boomerang as a cameo.Wasn't she a Bond villain too?
i dont remember anymore, but now that i think about it, she might have been in that Eddie Murphy movie, Boomerang as a cameo.Wasn't she a Bond villain too?
did mods finally crack down on ossoi? was wondering what to do with all these trash movies
anyone can scroll down releases and spam threads of junk nobody wants to watch. while posting a "review" of the movie that just says something about foh big brains.
how the hell would Disney know she flashed her tits, she has maybe the smallest boobs in history. Asian girls point at those tiny nubs and laughif you put him on ignore you don't see threads he creates
technically Grace Jones was the first black marvel superhero on film, the character Zula from Conan the Destroyer is actually based on the Marvel comic book character Zula, who was a man. She also got banned from Disney properties and movies because she showed her tits at Disney world during a stage show lol
i was this old when i found out it was red sonja andmonica, you crazee. that shit was fun back in the day. years later i found out this was actually a Conan crossover film but they didnt have the rights to call him Conan, so he was just some rando dude that shows up. all us kids knew that was King Conan. another thing i didnt know at the time, the evil queen was played by the same chick who was Conan's ride or die girlfriend, Valyria.
da fuq they are remaking the Arnold movie Eraser
i dont think i remember his name being mentioned in the film. i'm sure it was, but its a stupid name, sounds like Caldor's which was a local store around here.i was this old when i found out it was red sonja and
man i feel like i should remember it, but i don'ti dont think i remember his name being mentioned in the film. i'm sure it was, but its a stupid name, sounds like Caldor's which was a local store around here.
man i feel like i should remember it, but i don't