Same. I had no idea what it was until I clicked the link and read the article.i had NO idea this was a von erich movie... i thought it was some weird he-man cosplay thing.
Same. I had no idea what it was until I clicked the link and read the article.i had NO idea this was a von erich movie... i thought it was some weird he-man cosplay thing.
Jackie was a contemporary of Bruce Lee. No one can defeat age know thats a 2019 movie, b/c jackies don't look like an old fuck asian genes
gave up
jackie now
That must have been rough. I thought Oak Cliff was high crime/murder rate hood from around 1980 to 2010 or so. Someone said it's back to white gentrification sorta nice now.I grew up basically down the street from The Sportatorium in Oak Cliff. Got to hang out with them, Andre the Giant, Kabuki, etc. "backstage" because my uncle knew someone there. Destroyed my childhood fantasy world when I saw Kabuki sucking down Now-N-Laters so he could spit green poison in the ring. lol
Anyhow, the family took a lot of real life hits in what felt like rapid succession with the kids all dying. Crazy shit, man.
damn, 2003 on, has been total shit for lugeri would love to watch a Randy Savage movie. him and his wife died at young ages. he was 58 and Miss Elizabeth was 42. she was with Lex Luger at the time. there is a weird story there.
Yep, it was rough. Money started leaving/moving away from my neighborhood (for obvious reasons) in the late 70's and it you could really feel it. When I graduated in '89 I joined the military and only went back a couple of times. Haven't been back to the old neighborhood in at least 20 years now. I Zillow'd my old house for shit-n-grins the other day. There's still a damn padlock on the garage door. Nothing has changed, and you'd swear I grew up White Trash.That must have been rough. I thought Oak Cliff was high crime/murder rate hood from around 1980 to 2010 or so. Someone said it's back to white gentrification sorta nice now.
pro wrestling is really a shit life, for everyone involved. as i said, there is a very interesting and weird story there. you dont make a crazy amount of money, even a top dog like Hulk Hogan went through the grinder. then you got a seriously sad fucking story with Andre The Giant. dude couldnt stop growing and there was surgery to save him, but his heart was already too large to risk the surgery and so he had to live with the pain so he self medicated with a barrel full of beer every day until his heart just gave out. christ. there are many more examples.
Jackie was a contemporary of Bruce Lee. No one can defeat age forever.
If by contemporary you mean an 18 year old extra in Enter the Dragon, then sure - he was a contemporary.
If by contemporary you mean an 18 year old extra in Enter the Dragon, then sure - he was a contemporary.
Yes that's what he means. He was an adult performing at the same time.
Yes, thanks for pointing out I used the exact dictionary definition of the word?
noun: contemporary; plural noun: contemporaries
- a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
"he was a contemporary of Darwin"
You can double down on being wrong if you want. I said he was a contemporary of Bruce Lee, and he was. There was no qualifier or adjective involved.View attachment 484511
In the context of age I was merely pointing out the 14 year age difference and that Chan was just starting his film/stunt career. He's probably not even credited in Enter the Dragon. True career contemporaries of Bruce Lee would be people like Chuck Norris, Bob Wall, Ed Parker. Plus his various Hollywood students like Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Lebron Abdul-Jabbar etc
Perhaps if he never died young then we'd have seen more of them together.
You can double down on being wrong if you want. I said he was a contemporary of Bruce Lee, and he was. There was no qualifier or adjective involved.
Yeah bullshit. You've never written a dissertation in your life.