This seemed like the best place to ask...
I started using YTS to pirate* movies. I got a DMCA or whatever notice from my ISP like instantly. I got booted off the last invite only one because I didn't seed enough or something. Is a VPN my easiest option to keep yarrrrr'in from YTS?
( *By "pirate", I mean intentionally steal movies because I don't want most of them to have any more money so I don't give them more and I break the law by stealing movies. If you have an opinion about that, please write it down in your faggy diary)
You need to look into getting a setup with Radarr / Sonarr / SABnzd / Plex.
It was a mother fucker to get setup, and I don't know if I could do it a second time. I set it up years ago and got it all working, and haven't had to really touch it since then. It's all on a Linux computer (the software is cross platform tho) and runs in my media room. So you log into Radarr and add the movies you want, and it will go out and search for them and download them automatically and put them on Plex. Sonarr is for TV shows, it will automatically look for new releases that you want and download them and load them onto Plex. You set the resolution / quality and it will update the episodes as higher quality ones are released.
For downloading, I use a Usenet service. So it goes on old school Usenet and basically some weirdo has uploaded the TV shows as ASCII text files, so it will somehow download like 10,000 text files and combines them to make a movie (that is SABnzd).
And when it's all on Plex, I have my Plex setup for remote streaming too, so I can, literally, be anywhere in the world and stream my shit from Plex.
It works so well that even if I have an AppleTV sub, I still add For All Mankind to my Plex, so that the second a new episode is out, it will download it, and I can just see all the shows I'm currently following in one convenient place. It's fantastics.
And I've never received a DCMA notice.
If you're wanting to keep it simple and just do downloads etc, this is what I used to do when I had a setup like that, but it was a VERY long time ago and I'm sure shit is more advanced now:
You look for a Seedbox, like a rented computer elsewhere in the world. You download the .torrent, and then upload it to the seedbox. the seedbox downloads the file, then you FTP in and download the file from the seedbox.
... The Radarr / Sonarr / SABnzd / Plex is a much more elegant and convenient (but harder to setup) solution. My brother travels the world, and will text me "Hey can you put Party of Five (lol) on Plex", so I just remote in, goto Sonarr, type "Party of five", click add/search, and within hours like the whole show is downloaded onto my plex box and my brother can watch it from another country.