Krono just seems very easy to get and has been since the beginning. Diamondine earrings dropped like 10-12 a day and sold for a krono each for weeks, then GEBs were selling for 2 krono for a long time and you can easily get 10+ in a day. Now its the planes full of beggars at least on Ragefire to WTB planar armor. Fear is full of SK's and Rangers always asking to buy armor for Krono and the same in PoHate but with all the classes there. This is a fucked up version of EQ is all and people want that instant gratification instead of working for it or camping it.
Also now that the rotation guilds have some kills were seeing a ton of loot sold TL would never sell. Yesterday people sold RBB's (20 krono), Bloodfires (8 Krono), and Mistwalker Scims (6 Krono).