If we were moving through expansions at a decent pace we wouldn't have all of this time to sit around and hack at each other with rusty spoons. Lockjaw hasseveralrotation talks left until Kunark opens. Who knows what kind of bloated and cancerous mess of rules we're going to have by the end. You can also bet that towards the end guilds are going to try and vote on a day 1 Trakanon rotation. Then there's six months of Kunark rotation talks to look forward to. And then Velious. These rotation agreements are going to slowly vivisect Lockjaw until only the ForumQuesting rotation lawyer griefing squads can stomach it any longer.
Hell, I think a whole bunch of people will reroll to the No Box server not because they care about boxing or because they want more classic but because it will be perceived as a fresh start away from that nonsense. Then people will watch it turn into the same shit, they'll quit, and they won't come back.