Ghost killing was the #2 most fun time I've ever had in Everquest (just behind EQ breaking my MMO virginity and playing it nonstop from 99-02). It also paid for a 30 day trip to Europe with my gf and I as well as few thousand extra in pocket change. It wasn't even the money that made it the most fun. It was merely that it reinvigorated my love and interest for EQ again. The game had been so boring for so long, and this made it fun again. Not just Ghost Killing, but MQ2 in general, being able to test yourself by trying to solo big bosses that would otherwise be almost if not totally impossible to get to and attempt. That first time you solo AoW at 75, and NToV, etc. Farming faction and redoing old content and doing content you missed. God it was the best. The main thing I loved about Ghost Killing was getting to try every class because you could level them to 75 with 2000 AA's in a day.
I hate MQ2 for progression though, it's like, what's the point? MQ2 is what you do to make modern EQ somewhat fun, when otherwise it pretty much isn't. That's why when I lead a progression guild on FV I had a strict no MQ2 rule (lol didn't work out very well though, people hated it, we had like 100 members at one point and there was a faction of like 20 that hated that rule). But it does suck in that it can ruin TLP servers. For modern EQ I don't give a fuck what anyone does really, it pretty much happens in a vacuum. So what, there's a bunch of level 75 Anon guildless monks/SK's in Raid Gear? Who cares, what does it matter? The earliest I ever cheated was MySEQ in GoD. I remember it as early as Velious though, or at least, claims of it going on. I still have all my GK'd mains though. And only a single account that I sold ever got banned, out of about a dozen. I was careful. I did get 2 of my own farming Monks banned in Fabled PoP though by being greedy. There was a Fabled Tallon Zek in Dragon Necropolis (yeah, I know, right?) And I was like, uhhh... So we killed it, it insta poofed and dropped nothing. Lol banned the next day, fucking trap!!