Nah elmariel is a good guy, he's a straight shooter and usually on a lot. But he stepped up and lead raids during the day when others couldnt, in the beginning he had no idea what he was doing but no one else stepped up and he's learned a lot. Give him some time, but yeah sulerill and elaida are awesome. But sulerill did burn out once already so I'm hoping we juggle leaders or something like we did on fippy.
Let's not forget I was told that elmariel would get yelled at if he called raids whenever thraka or the inner circle couldnt get on. Particularly in the mornings. I know winner had called a talendor raid one morning at like 9 am and told me later that he got yelled at cause certain people couldnt make it and their attendance dropped. The newer officers had their hands tied behind their backs it sounded like and couldnt call a raid unless the senior officers said ok. Honestly I think thraka burned himself out on a lot, he should have let some people have access to the guild bank (what happened to it?) after sulerill gave it up so he had less things to handle.
Frenzic I hope you step it up since you went MIA

but I dont blame you, makin that dough. I would have tried harder if I knew DBG was gonna shit on ragefire like this, but I think most of us made out decent.