New Progression Server confirmed


Tranny Chaser
When combining the 3-month and ASAP option, though, a slight majority of players on both servers voted for Kunark to come sooner than it would under the original rules.
We plan to keep Lockjaw on the six month schedule that was originally voted for by the populace at large.
Go fucking fuck yourself you stupid fucking fuck fucker.

A majority of players on both servers voted for earlier Kunark? Better stick one server at six months anyway because that first vote was blessed by White Jesus himself. Oh, and throw in free transfers so the end game raiding scene on Lockjaw gets fucked when a full Ragefire guild bails on their cancer server.


<Bronze Donator>
well, one thing, though -- i kind of like having a low population server. if this is going to be bad for LJ server population, then its good for me in a selfish sense. i also don't like total ghost towns, but prefer low population over the overpopulated shitfest that Ragefire appears to be.


<Bronze Donator>
Go fucking fuck yourself you stupid fucking fuck fucker.

A majority of players on both servers voted for earlier Kunark? Better stick one server at six months anyway because that first vote was blessed by White Jesus himself. Oh, and throw in free transfers so the end game raiding scene on Lockjaw gets fucked when a full Ragefire guild bails on their cancer server.
we are investigating free transfers between Ragefire and Lockjaw for a period of time coming up soon. We're working out details for how long and when, but there will be no transfers allowed after the servers de-synchronize.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It should have been early Kunark/6 months as the only two options. If early won, it should have been a poll for 0-5 months. At the very least, if early Kunark got a majority of votes, they should've done the 3 month thing.


<Bronze Donator>
TFO couldnt handle TL. Youre all going to end up on ragefire, gonna be a cluster fuck. At least youll benefit from our weekly server crashes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man its fucking hilarious that someone from DBG actually said "Casuals shouldn't be allowed to fight Nagafen" in a interview.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The lead producer for EQ & EQ2 no less.
Yeah that's just crazy. I mean its true, they can't really compete for them but to straight up tell them "Sorry you shouldn't be allowed to fight this" is asinine. Especially as casuals most likely make up the majority of their players.


Trakanon Raider
"Original EQ bosses are now immune to Memory Blur effects."

I think it's hilarious that Kunark sooner rather than later won on both servers, and yet because the polling was designed by a retarded chimpanzee, Lockjaw is stuck with 6 months. Lol this is really going to fuck servers up with the transfers. Even though I haven't been playing recently because I've been waiting on Kunark news, I am super disappointed. That means by the time Kunark is out, the server will probably be mostly dead. I guess it'll be interesting to see how this all turns out? Sigh.

Also Lol @ Holly's awful, awful quote about casuals. I hope she loses her job, she is as idiotic as Maddoc was for round 1.


Trakanon Raider
Its really mind boggling how out of touch she is, well not really, we all knew SOE was being run by morons that couldn't make easy obvious good decisions to save their jobs. So its not surprising that DBG has inherited that bucket of fail. They really need to just clean house completely and hire random people off the street, they really can't be any worse. No one is any sort of decision making position at that company deserved to keep their job.


Trakanon Raider
Its really mind boggling how out of touch she is, well not really, we all knew SOE was being run by morons that couldn't make easy obvious good decisions to save their jobs. So its not surprising that DBG has inherited that bucket of fail. They really need to just clean house completely and hire random people off the street, they really can't be any worse. No one is any sort of decision making position at that company deserved to keep their job.
Hire a variety (key word there, variety, since it seems the people running it are pure 100% neckbeards or something) of EQ veterans and enthusiasts with programming/game experience. They are out there. Hell, hire some non corrupt P99 people. But yeah, anything would be better than the morons running house atm, it's tragically sad to see how bad and clueless they are. Holly inspires hatred. It all comes down to dem Krono sales, amirite? Lol what a trainwreck.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If people didn't know they were going to lock one server at 6 months and release the other early then everyone must think M. Night Shyamalan is a god.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If people didn't know they were going to lock one server at 6 months and release the other early then everyone must think M. Night Shyamalan is a god.
You must be reading my mind, I thought damn I'm a fool this morning and they probably planned this along with the xfers.


Molten Core Raider
SoE doesn't have the resources (developers) or the want to change the progression servers to be what they need to be. P99 probably has more active developers.

Obviously DBG/SoE doesn't want to have to do anything custom with these progression servers (like instancing content). This is going to get 100x worse than the P99 raid scene, and they only have ~1800 active most nights instead of 4000.


<Bronze Donator>
I dont really think it's that bad that lockjaw is 6 months. Did you guys forget? All the casuals SCREAMED CRIED how packed Ragefire was, and what did they get? A new server.

From my point of view, Ragefire is for the more serious, packed zone loving player that doesnt want to sit in Classic for 6 months. Lockjaw, as I've heard, is a lot less populated than Ragefire, and is the answer to the casuals overpopulation crisis. It should be on a different time line, after all it was made to please the people that didnt like overcrowding. These same people are most likely the ones that want to thoroughly enjoy Classic content, on many different alts, at their own pace. Therefore making them both on the same timeline would just mean Lockjaw is a less populated place with same timeline.. at least you can server XFer off, it would be worse.

You all know its going to be a dead server sooner than Ragefire, and from the sounds of it, there isnt much competition over there. I don't know why you all are upset but you forgot you chose the lesser server, the one where unicorns roam free, boxers dont exist and TL doesnt "plague" or so thats how it was supposed to be when it launched.

It is astonishing, given how many boxers we have in our guild, that the 6 months still had a majority if you look at each choice separately, but damn we still have to vote in august, again? Is that even going to pass, hopefully.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
If the casuals bail on Ragefire it might pass otherwise probably not. Should be pretty funny if it doesn't.