New Progression Server confirmed


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm confused? How can they actually believe "this meeting is in violation of everything the GMS have set for us", when they(DBG) have specifically said rotations rules/setup can change if guilds agree on it? Like those agreements just magically appear without discussions?
Exactly. Considering almost next to no discussion took place for the first rotation, which Apok now literally considers the law.


TLP Idealist
Dojii is a scumbag Red99 reject. They're filibustering TL and they'll eat shit for it when TL does it right back when Doljii and co try to make rotation rules for Kunark.


<Bronze Donator>
This is ridiculous though, GM need to step in and do something. I thought they were going to be present at the friday meeting or sunday meeting. Wtf


Blackwing Lair Raider
Apok is stomping their feet and crying for 1/5th of the loot, soon to be 1/7th of the loot later today. They cant even kill the noble cycle and struggle with classic content as it is. They in 2 months never had the intelligence or leadership to beat us to any mob which is why we are even here.

You seriously think in a month when Kunark drops that they have any chance against Gorenaire, Talendor, Trak, or VS being buffed?


Guarding the guardians
It's fantastic drama. Great to have something to read while pulling goblin after goblin on elite isle.


Apok is stomping their feet and crying for 1/5th of the loot, soon to be 1/7th of the loot later today. They cant even kill the noble cycle and struggle with classic content as it is. They in 2 months never had the intelligence or leadership to beat us to any mob which is why we are even here.

You seriously think in a month when Kunark drops that they have any chance against Gorenaire, Talendor, Trak, or VS being buffed?
You sure are relentless. You're fighting against a system that presents the most equity for all
guilds on the server under the auspices that it isn't. You and your guild don't want anything but your monopoly to be back in place or some system that gets you as close as possible to that scenario. The fact you're able to spam the forums with your vitriol and lies and somehow convince people that you have anyone's best interest in mind but your own is pretty impressive, kudos. Only time apok has ever struggled with "old world content" was on overseer of air. He's untankable and requires pets, a lot of them, to win. Do you believe that because you have 40+ mages to
throw at a problem that somehow makes you good at this game or better(pet attack, re- summon pet, rinse, repeat)? Please pull your head out of your ass for one second and look around you.


Trump's Staff
From an outside perspective it sounds like he's looking around and seeing everyone agree on something except for one whining group of cunts.


From an outside perspective it sounds like he's looking around and seeing everyone agree on something except for one whining group of cunts.
What you're seeing is an effective PR campaign, but trust me its so full of hot shit it hurts me to see people even try to defend any TL proposed rotation. They're back channeling with guilds and giving them concessions to gain public support is only way I can deduce another guild besides their own buying into this. They literally post and whine on every alt account they have all day complaining about the rotation on the forums. The same people even made an Alt guild so they could get an extra crack at the rotation. TL and its affiliates are willing to do anything to win, people need to not forget that, this rotation curtails their inherent advantage( no life, superior gear(No life helps with this), willing to cheat/exploit/steamroll anyone in the way) and they hate it.


What you're seeing is an effective PR campaign, but trust me its so full of hot shit it hurts me to see people even try to defend any TL proposed rotation. They're back channeling with guilds and giving them concessions to gain public support is only way I can deduce another guild besides their own buying into this. They literally post and whine on every alt account they have all day complaining about the rotation on the forums. The same people even made an Alt guild so they could get an extra crack at the rotation. TL and its affiliates are willing to do anything to win, people need to not forget that, this rotation curtails their inherent advantage( no life, superior gear(No life helps with this), willing to cheat/exploit/steamroll anyone in the way) and they hate it.
Couldn't be that you guys came up with a terrible rotation that caters specifically to your guild by reducing any kind of competition against TL and pushes away smaller guilds from raid scene. "Trust me", we don't have to do a "PR campaign" to make your guild look like condescending idiots, you do that on your own. For a guild that claims to like competition, you guys sure do your best to avoid it.

As I've stated a hundred times, rotations are the stupidest thing to bring to open world content. If we have to have rotations, it needs to be mutually beneficial for all parties. To this day, I'm still amazed at how difficult it is to change this idiotic rotation that you guys managed to back door. Holly doesn't give two shits about Everquest and literally threw it at Roshen to babysit, now I'm stuck in a permanent private chat with Apok, Rosengard, RoE leaders and Roshen. All I hear is Dojii cry about everything.

I was actually pulling for Apok to not make themselves out to be complete idiots at the summit Roshen allowed Dojii to hold, but you guys did a great job on your own at making yourself look completely incompetent. I talked to Dojii for a few minutes begging the dude to not be a complete douche bag and to take the shit seriously for the sake of the server, the logs speak for themselves though.

Doesn't help that your own leadership was sending me tells during their summit asking me for advice on how to move the discussion. You guys are absolutely crazy.

As an aside, I find it extremely ironic that you insist on calling us cheaters when your guild got a week suspension for using MQ to track raid mobs and taunt them out of GM invis.


Couldn't be that you guys came up with a terrible rotation that caters specifically to your guild by reducing any kind of competition against TL and pushes away smaller guilds from raid scene. "Trust me", we don't have to do a "PR campaign" to make your guild look like condescending idiots, you do that on your own. For a guild that claims to like competition, you guys sure do your best to avoid it.

As I've stated a hundred times, rotations are the stupidest thing to bring to open world content. If we have to have rotations, it needs to be mutually beneficial for all parties. To this day, I'm still amazed at how difficult it is to change this idiotic rotation that you guys managed to back door. Holly doesn't give two shits about Everquest and literally threw it at Roshen to babysit, now I'm stuck in a permanent private chat with Apok, Rosengard, RoE leaders and Roshen. All I hear is Dojii cry about everything.

I was actually pulling for Apok to not make themselves out to be complete idiots at the summit Roshen allowed Dojii to hold, but you guys did a great job on your own at making yourself look completely incompetent. I talked to Dojii for a few minutes begging the dude to not be a complete douche bag and to take the shit seriously for the sake of the server, the logs speak for themselves though.

Doesn't help that your own leadership was sending me tells during their summit asking me for advice on how to move the discussion. You guys are absolutely crazy.

As an aside, I find it extremely ironic that you insist on calling us cheaters when your guild got a week suspension for using MQ to track raid mobs and taunt them out of GM invis.
Couldn't it be that the rotation we put in place caters to everyone but you? It's not that it doesn't cater to you it just doesn't give you all the mob spawns, so clearly it doesn't cater to what you want. We want every guild that's capable of killing the mobs in the rotation to be on the rotation period. You're trying to spin it that were trying to block out smaller guilds which is completely untrue. We want to give everyone an equal chance at a raiding experience without having to poop sock or dps race other guilds for every spawn. You clearly take issue with this. Just look at the stats post rotation and pre rotation and tell me why any guild but yourself would take issue with it in its current form? We even expanded the gate keeper mobs to give more people the ability to gain access to the rotation. You choose to be stuck in that private chat because your greed refuses to allow an equitable system to exist, so you've been waging war against and perpetuating it yourself. I guarantee if you guys accepted the rotation as is all these discussions and issues would go away, but clearly that's not going to happen because you wont be happy until it's setup so that you receive at least 50% of the mobs in the rotation. Name calling dojii and the guild is ironic considering your guild acts like the biggest bunch of greedy dbag man children I've ever seen. your guild and their lack of respect for everyone else and the abundance of iso boxing, macro questing, mage armies running around in your guild is honestly a huge factor in what makes ragefire a piece of shit. I could argue that you're just as crazy and delusional for actually believing any of the shit you guys say about your intentions for the server. Anyone who actually plays on the server should know that TL is only out for TL. Also the macro quest issue was a joke(TL members were suspended as well). The one member who got us all suspended was booted from our guild, and I've watched members in your guild teleport, run around to mobs the second they spawn without any bards, rangers, or druids and even openly in chat use macro quest commands(call it a troll all you want but could just as easily say it was a mistake just the same). In the end this is really just a pot kettle scenario, and I guess you've been spewing this bullshit so long you've actually talked yourself into believing it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That thread on the main boards is starting to become beyond dumbfounding and rage inducing. Apok is dragging their feet against the entire server, which now sees even TL as being very reasonable. Responding to that Apok troll that has a witty answer against every single thought of reason is infuriating...I need to just give up on debating before I break something. Everquest is the only game that brings out this level of drama between grown adults. All personal feelings aside, that forum is true popcorn material.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Couldn't it be that the rotation we put in place caters to everyone but you? It's not that it doesn't cater to you it just doesn't give you all the mob spawns, so clearly it doesn't cater to what you want. We want every guild that's capable of killing the mobs in the rotation to be on the rotation period. You're trying to spin it that were trying to block out smaller guilds which is completely untrue. We want to give everyone an equal chance at a raiding experience without having to poop sock or dps race other guilds for every spawn. You clearly take issue with this. Just look at the stats post rotation and pre rotation and tell me why any guild but yourself would take issue with it in its current form? We even expanded the gate keeper mobs to give more people the ability to gain access to the rotation. You choose to be stuck in that private chat because your greed refuses to allow an equitable system to exist, so you've been waging war against and perpetuating it yourself. I guarantee if you guys accepted the rotation as is all these discussions and issues would go away, but clearly that's not going to happen because you wont be happy until it's setup so that you receive at least 50% of the mobs in the rotation. Name calling dojii and the guild is ironic considering your guild acts like the biggest bunch of greedy dbag man children I've ever seen. your guild and their lack of respect for everyone else and the abundance of iso boxing, macro questing, mage armies running around in your guild is honestly a huge factor in what makes ragefire a piece of shit. I could argue that you're just as crazy and delusional for actually believing any of the shit you guys say about your intentions for the server. Anyone who actually plays on the server should know that TL is only out for TL. Also the macro quest issue was a joke(TL members were suspended as well). The one member who got us all suspended was booted from our guild, and I've watched members in your guild teleport, run around to mobs the second they spawn without any bards, rangers, or druids and even openly in chat use macro quest commands(call it a troll all you want but could just as easily say it was a mistake just the same). In the end this is really just a pot kettle scenario, and I guess you've been spewing this bullshit so long you've actually talked yourself into believing it.
You do understand that it's actually an amazing rotation concept for those that will miss mobs due to bad spawn times, right?

As a guild on the Lockjaw rotation that just lost one of our rotation mobs to FFA because it spawned in that stupid early hours timeframe that's oppressive for guilds like ours, it would be incredible if that didn't "waste our slot" since it wasn't a window we were signed up for and we'd still be waiting in line for the next spawn during our timeframe. [And before someone is all like "You're whining!" - no, I'm not - I'm merely stating it would be better for us, my care level about how it worked out is minimal - but would be a better option for us than the current roulette wheel chance since our hours we can field people are limited]

It also looks far easier for new guilds to enter/etc. Or as one could say "equitable".

The only part that isn't equitable is spawns that pop at ridiculous hours that only those that can field a force at 3-9am EST range can realistically tangle with - but that's a game issue (unless/until they revisit the timers) that demands some sort of consideration in the rotation concept.

Keep in mind, confusion and/or poaching is going to be prevalent if you start saying "Hey, rotation mobs are someone's for that entire day" or whatever. (Plus slowing the progress of the server as a whole, yada-yada)

If you'd get your head out of your ass, you'd see why the TL proposition is a much better one and has everyone but you onboard for it.


<Bronze Donator>
Jesus man Flux you're brainwashed. I have access to a character in apok and everytime I log on (not to spy but to use the char) I always am fucking amazed at the shit you guys say. Granted I havent been on that char in a month but previous everytime I was on you guys were always talking shit about TL. I remember this gem of a quote I took a picture of, which sums up the apokalpysis guildchat/mentality.


Jesus man Flux you're brainwashed. I have access to a character in apok and everytime I log on (not to spy but to use the char) I always am fucking amazed at the shit you guys say. Granted I havent been on that char in a month but previous everytime I was on you guys were always talking shit about TL. I remember this gem of a quote I took a picture of, which sums up the apokalpysis guildchat/mentality.
I like how you try to distinguish that you log on to use the char and not spy yet you originally joined our guild(and are still in it) with the intention of spying, so it's moot. The fact you admittedly have a spy char in our guild says a lot too. I guess you no longer need to keep it logged in to see where were going now that we have a fair and equitable rotation in place. Also to note all the people you SSed in that chat are no longer in our guild. The one individual doing most the shit talking was in our guild for literally a week. He had that mentality from the streets of Norrath we didn't indoctrinate him that was learned behavior being solo and dealing with your guild members in dungeons/the world.Though our mentality has been reinforced from countless instances of you being disrespectful, arrogant, pricks, but honestly the amount of shit talk that goes on is actually pretty limited considering those facts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jesus lord, use paragraphs!

And I thought no one could out do frenzic's Full Retard, but Flux is getting close.


I'm so sorry my lack of paragraphs offends you, but please don't let that distract from the raw logic and reason that is pouring from those big walls of text.