Country sucks man - going to shit. Panzy ass mother fucking liberal therapy dog fuckers took over to the point we cannot even troll shit and honestly, I thought I would be banned for the white man Jew comment as I said in global when I said I was making sure we had enough rocks.(We all come from the same damn cell mother fuckers) I was banned for a south park quote to some asshole snowflake who literally gloated saying enjoy your ban GG. Like, these pussies are proud of it.
One day, and I am a fun loving guy just having fun, will watch millions of republicans and democrats that knew this went way too far, wake the fuck up, and the honest to God war will last about 45 seconds. These purple haired mother fuckers couldn't last two minutes against people that know better.
I do not get pissed this much - but my wife just got forced to take her vaccine so she could work. She was crying and holy shit did that piss me the fuck off. Ever see your wife cry? She was crying about freedom and we already had covid and had Antibodies and she is in health care and talked to MULTIPLE doctors who said don't take it. Why? MEDICARE PAYMENTS - FUCKING MONEY MAN. Oh hey, keep smoking those fucking cigs though we can tax that right? You think the government gives two shits about anything or you?
We are getting pretty close to see the blow back on this - and I will follow in arms. Never wanted to have this happen in my lifetime. Skate by it - die off, and back to God I went and let others figure out common fucking sense. But I am not even fucking close to dead - so who the hell is going to just wipe this out. Because it is infecting the world at this point.
I would love to transplant all these mother fuckers back to 50k years ago, watch them die off as they are looking for a therapy flower. I thought the game industry market conditioning was bad. This shit is penetrating schools.
Shit man, had a sick dog and they said they were backed up with death warrants for these liberal assholes that got their dog to get them through Covid and don't want them anymore???? You fucking kidding me? Shit slides crazy ass now. Bailey had a doggie cold and she is fine now, but holy shit, I have had 3 dogs in my life and each one is a savior of unconditional love and these mother fuckers show up and just treat them like an aborted free will choice fetus? FUCK OFF YOU VIRTUE SIAGNALING MOTHER FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL ASSHOLES.
Anyway - here is the tally:
1) I have a streamer who chatted in global chat that I am Stephon Diggs and I should be set free. He also played about 13 love songs for me on demand for $200. Don''t care about the cash, good investment.
2) Someone out there thinks I'm a lonely Jew - survivor of the holocaust, and I had them break rocks so I could finish a quest because it brought back memories of my grandmother.
3) Everyone now thinks Green faction folks play for the Detroit Lions.
4) Amazon Prime membership trolling got old fast for me - but I still got tells asking how to entitle them to "Skip the queue"
I'll be back for howveer long until these pussies report it and AWS fucks me over again. I have phone calls. Thing is once you get banned, you get kicked, make a phone call, and next thing you know you may as well not play because of these queues.
Here is the good thing. It's static bitches. I will take my troll expertise to a whole new level now. In the end, this game dies in a fucking month. I'll make that month the most hilarious shit you have ever seen as we, normal people, die on the vine for above.