Alright jaded MMO fucks, is this actually worth 40$ or should I just reinstall FF14?
It's not GCD spam yea, closer to the old Korean action-mmos?
Alright jaded MMO fucks, is this actually worth 40$ or should I just reinstall FF14?
It's not GCD spam yea, closer to the old Korean action-mmos?
Alright jaded MMO fucks, is this actually worth 40$ or should I just reinstall FF14?
It's not GCD spam yea, closer to the old Korean action-mmos?
The second tier of them (regular gems). I'm still selling them, but for only like 150 gold now. Have over 50 on the market. Good chance on my server if you bought one, I made it. At almost 16k gold now.What amulets did you sell? I was first to market for the newb ones, but they didn't do jack shit for me. And by the time I got the next tier, people had quest versions. My money maker right now is simply selling Fiber at a 10x markup in Brightwood and Cutlass Keys lmao.
75c is perfectly safe long term. Your CPU cooler is probably sub par though, or your ventilation is bad. Or who knows with how this game acts up with random shit.
PSA GREAT AXE : Getting the "Gravity" Node (not Gravity Well, but Gravity : 30% Longer holds) completely breaks Reap. You'll waste your time with the animation, but it does absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, both to mobs and players.
It's even worse than I thought. Like I said, level 34. The tier 2 stuff has been shit forever. I unlocked the tier 3 faction at level 33, but it requires level 40. So...what the fuck? If it had been level 35 gear it might have worked out well.What happened in my case anyway, by the time I had enough tokens after making a bag, the gear was garbage. I thought I'd get the lvl 20 stuff early, but nope! I hit the faction cap pretty quick (purple), and had a level 20 quest in my journal to raise my faction cap. Buuuut you need to be 24 to DO the quest to raise the faction. The faction gear is already outdated at that point. So yeah they changed something to bork it. I'm 30 and have 0 faction gear, not counting bag runes![]()
Yeah just read all the people in this thread not playing the game repeatedly being sweaty edgelordsUncle Jeff Bezos is in for a surprise. MMO players are a salty bunch of fuckers.