Most of these videos are pretty much for the clicks. Not that they're entirely wrong, there's a ton of bugs, but outside of a handful most of them are meaningless and fixable with a relog. The people who say "This game is so boring there's nothing to do" have never hit 60. Like ever, not a single one. Sometimes I'll read some guy who got close, but they say "I play alone 90% of the time and-" and no fucking shit. It's an M M O. There's high end GROUP shit to do and the best part is if you are good and build certain ways you CAN do it alone, but these putzes would rather make a QQ youtube video (make sure to go over 8 minutes for extra $$$!!).
Here's the ACTUAL list of bugs in the game that matter:
-Can't close high level corrupted portals. 50% on whether it's intentional by AGS to slow high end progression or not. Considering we kept our 3 and 4 Azoth staves, I'd guess not.
-iFrame exploits with some shenanigans. They're aware and I'm guessing they'll build in an auto detect for how it works and players who try to cheeze shit will get auto-booted and then remain killable in the open world at most inconvenient times.
-Lag in Wars - Another exploit, probably. I've been in 5-6 wars and I've had the lag 3 of them. The "everyone standing still but no one is really there" lag. The thing is I can still hit people, they're just not where they seem.
-Perks/Traits not working- Most of them work. Whoever said otherwise probably tried like 4 skills they were told were bugged and decided that meant all were. Go Sunder Javelin something, look for rend, look for increased damage. Guess what? It works. However "Burden" perks on bags most likely do not work. They change the number but your actual weight is read by the game as the same. Deep pockets, however, does work.
-Gems not working in weapons - We've had guildmates testing this. It's not necessarily that they don't work, but they don't work HOW everyone expects them to. Definitely could be a bug, but fuck lifestaffers, they don't deserve to have fun anyways!
-Outpost Rush was removed temporarily. This is VERY unfortunate as it's the only guaranteed small scale pvp with meaningful rewards. There were apparently two bugs. AGS let the public know about the infinite stuck bug, but allegedly (I didn't see it first hand) people could leave and rejoin the OR at some point and get multiple rewards. Again heresay, but I heard it from Sacriel who is fairly knowledgeable about the game, in direct contact with the devs, and plays a shit ton. He's also been wrong about stuff so take it for what you will.
Can you go to high level shit, kill it, and get upgrades? Yep. Can you PVP people and reliably kill 99.9% of them without exploits? Yep. Can you attempt to take over a town with your guild in instanced PVP? Yep. Can you do dungeons? Believe it or not, YEP. Not only do you get a free key from quests lines, it takes ONE key per group to enter a dungeon. Even though portals can't be close at high levels you can up-convert corruption crystals at the stonecrafter to make higher level keys as well.
Basically is this game fucked? No. Is it in a bad place? Maybe? Is it a failure? Absolutely not. This ain't WoW, this is Destiny. There's no subscription so they can make sweeping changes as needed and the population will stop logging in or log in more often. Most people can't stand the 40+ grind because they're not 20 years old anymore and they just don't have the time to do it. That's fine. Does it mean it's a slog compared to other MMOs? Not at all. Fucking WoW classic took 100+ play hours to hit 60 and this can be done faster if you actually play. Anyone who hasn't been 60 and done level 60+ content really has no idea what the game "is".
Basically this game is a WIP, but it's not broken in so many ways that it's unplayable. I think lvl 60 players have more to do on the daily than people leveling. Perhaps that's the problem, but all these "THERE ARE BUGS AND MISSING PIECES" videos are mostly people going for the views. Just google any question about New World you have about a certain item/skill/etc. You'll get 10 listings from fucking hacked together 'gamer guide' sites that have 0 actual information just general shit. Everyone's trying to cash in on the hype one way or the other, but at the end of the day the game works, there's stuff to do, and there's stuff that needs to be fixed but there's STILL reasons to log in EVERY DAY and play at high level. A lot of MMO launches couldn't say that past week 2.