Updated blog post
Nice that they listen to at least *some* feedback, but I don't have much faith in them actually exempting every crafted/quest item/faction. It's too harrrrd!
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Updated blog post
Spear can beat anybody 1v1. You can CC them literally indefinitely as long as you can land the first part of the combo.finally starting to be a factor in world pvp and it feelsgoodman. I have no support, no company, dont run any expo's no portal runs, lvl 43. I managed to find an epic spear off a named and have started doing good damage along with CC ability. I can kill lvl 50's and compete with max level 60's.
Most of the time anyway. I get ass fucked every now and then but the cost is negligible.
Nah not entirely true, you'll eventually be able to have a guaranteed dodge against one of the cc's. You can CC someone for several seconds but it's definitely impossible to perma cc someone.Spear can beat anybody 1v1. You can CC them literally indefinitely as long as you can land the first part of the combo.
No, you absolutely can with the full setup. There are no diminishing returns. I'm sure you can find a clip of it on youtube or something, but I haven't played my spear in a while. But you 100% can. If the spear player waits at the right times, there is nothing you can do. if the spear player has ADHD, you can dodge out at certain times and there are 1 or 2 weapons that have abilities that let them dodge out of cc, but otherwise, you can't.Nah not entirely true, you'll eventually be able to have a guaranteed dodge against one of the cc's. You can CC someone for several seconds but it's definitely impossible to perma cc someone.
Trust me, if you are spamming dodge there is ZERO chance whatsoever that a spear can perma cc you. I'm 100% sure of it. Not to mention that if you have access to grit, this is even more impossible. You can perma CC an NPC sure but not an actual player that knows what they are doing.No, you absolutely can with the full setup. There are no diminishing returns. I'm sure you can find a clip of it on youtube or something, but I haven't played my spear in a while. But you 100% can. If the spear player waits at the right times, there is nothing you can do. if the spear player has ADHD, you can dodge out at certain times and there are 1 or 2 weapons that have abilities that let them dodge out of cc, but otherwise, you can't.
Im speaking more about the changes they are doing towards healing that have already happened. Once the new perks hit, you're going to have people running that new set. Whats annoying is that the changes they did to healing came before these perks, so now its really going to show if they are balancing towards PVP or PVE. If going towards PVP, the healing is going to be so weak that it etch out a new playstyle or be completely useless. Then another nerf or buff will happen. All coming back to the question of "where or who the fuck is this game targeted at?" If they introduced these changes after the new perks, I would understand - but they are coming at this backwards in my book.So long as wars keep their current setup, anything that damages or CCs a large number of people at once is going to always be king.
I feel like you base a lot of stuff off of open world PVP. You're running into a lot of people that dont have skills or even the armor set up for PVP. Theyre set up for PVE and I just dont know what you're going to gather from the implications of that?So yeah its very difficult to perma lockdown someone with spear. The correct setup and action is sweep > vault kick > sweep > vault kick >javelin > sweep etc etc.
Depending on when you use javelin and how fast you can link up the first two attacks, someone can definitely get out of it by spamming dodge. But if you deny space with javelin its very simple to get them back into the chain, and the added damage they take when they are disabled stacks up very quickly.
From my experience spear struggles against any powerful ranged character. Fire staff, bow, even musket can all shit on you if they get the drop on you and play keep away. All you can do is try and dodge and close distance, and if you do then you have a shot.
But against every other build that is melee based? Very difficult to top a spear user 1 v 1. I dont care if you got a hammer, 2 hand axe, rapier, sword, hatchett whatever the fuck, spear is going to negate a lot of the opponents actions by simply never allowing them to do more damage than you are doing to them, as 60% of the time they are going to be stunned or on the ground taking added damage.
Landing javelin and getting good with it is crucial. As opponents can just back away, dodge back out of range of your opening sweep, and once they do that now your in a cooldown and cant really properly start the lockdown combo. Once that happens your kind at a huge disadvantage. SO being able to quickly punish them with javelin forces them to fully disengage you and momentarily retreat. I met a couple spear users who are using skewer or the dumb whirling ability instead of javelin as their 3rd ability and its stupid, as you need javelin in order to make the action work. You dont really need to include it in the stun chain, but you need it to deny escape attempts or to punish dodgers.
I never even mentioned spear or disputed its usefulness. Also, I hate S/S play style - its just the only viable tank tree. Was just pointing out that your experience rolling someone up isnt going to be the same at 60, which you just said yourself. Wasnt an attack on you, if anything its shitty that people are gimped in PVE if theyre set up for PVP and vice versa. Much less if theyre out and about, gathering.What? What the fuck else would I have to base my opinion off of? Im not level 50 or 60 so all I got is world pvp lol.
And what is wrong about what I said about spear?
Multiple people, including the post above mine has clearly stated that spear is S tier in 1v1 situations. I have ZERO experience in team pvp situations, and I have stated as much. I know you want sword and shield to be the best because thats what you use, and I used it on Vingolf as well and loved it.
Spear is just better IMO. Sweep is AOE, coupe de grace is aoe, vault kick is aoe, and each person hit is equally disabled and damaged, so even if it wasnt a 1 v 1 situation spear should be just as useful in group situations. 3 sec shield bash stun is awesome, its just much harder to initiate with than sweep. And sword cooldowns are no where near as fast as spear with the right abilities.
^ This exactly. The game has issues, and the dev team makes bizarre decisions, but in all reality, we all got our $40 worth out of the game already. If they shut the servers down tomorrow, I could still walk away knowing I got my money's worth.lol yeah great point.
I wondered about the shield spear mobs myself! Its like a tanky version of spear, they should then give an option to wield a 2 handed sword.
Also, there are dual pistols, a dagger and shield I saw, it seems like they have the architecture to create more classes relatively easy. I dont know if I will have the same experience at 60, probably not, but I have already got my 40$ worth, and have already had the best MMO experience since asherons call.
The game could be way better, but honestly I am not mad at it at all.
I think.. I see what you're asking and ya, word of mouth is pretty much all we've got access too afaik. At least, I never found anything when I was looking for it before Lumi said he's moving to Calignor and I followed.How would you go about getting info on server balance and numbers? Is forum word of mouth the only way to get team distribution info and holdings info?
I quit this around level 15. It had way too many issues for me. I somewhat kept up to date with it, mostly the hogs, exploits etc…
Today I watched this, it was way worse than I thought. They lost over 90% of their player base in 3 months, must be a record. Some servers have 5 people online…FIVE, that’s hilarious.