Thank you all for your continued feedback on the Expertise and Gypsum System. Whenever possible, we want to share upcoming changes and discuss them with you, so we can build a better game together. Your feedback on this system has greatly improved the direction, so thank you again!
Before diving in, I want to be clear that we are dedicated to not reducing the power of players in the world (other than cases addressing bugs and imbalance problems). The rest of this post details how we are achieving that while retaining the benefits of the Expertise and Gypsum system.
The BIG change
In early 2022, when we start reducing the effectiveness of gear to your Expertise level, we will
exempt the following items:
- Any item you craft
- Any item you earn from a quest
- Any item you purchase from the faction shop
When these changes are implemented, Gear Score scaling will only apply to items sold or traded after that patch. So any items obtained prior to this patch will not be impacted or reduced in any way. When we thought about it more, reducing power for existing players is just unacceptable and something we will not do. We initially thought it being only temporary and giving a new path with to gain back that power with Gypsum would be acceptable, but it is now clear we were wrong.
This updated system will also give players alternative ways to equip themselves if they don’t want to engage in the Expertise system. Crafting especially will gain even more importance in New World, since any item you craft will be usable at that Gear Score regardless of Expertise. Quest and faction shop items will be other alternatives to good gear, and both are things we can continue to introduce more of in the future.
We acknowledge this change will create a difference between the way the game worked before this change and after. We recognize that some players who haven’t hit 60 yet and acquired their gear may feel like the game got harder for them. Hopefully this is offset with the addition of Gypsum as a new avenue that previous players didn’t have.
In addition, when we implement the Gear Score scaling, we will now only reduce the effectiveness to the middle of your Expertise and the item’s gear score. So if your Musket Expertise is 520 and you buy a 600 GS Musket off the market, your effective GS will be 560. This combined with the getting to use all perks, should create good value in the marketplace for future users.
December tuning and balance adjustments
Also based on the PTR feedback from playing with the Expertise and Gypsum system we are going to make a number of tuning and balance adjustments to the system. Please keep in mind these have not be tested so consider them directional examples of the changes we are planning for December:
- Reduce the cost of crafting a Gypsum Orb to 2.5 coin from 100, and Gypsum Cast to 5 coin from 475. We decided there was no need to add another coin expense for our level 60 players, but kept a minimal amount so end game territory owners can earn a little more tax income.
- Change Topaz Gypsum to daily instead of weekly, and reduce crafting ingredients to make it less difficult to craft
- Change Gypsum earn cooldown timers from 22hrs to 18hrs just to give a little more leeway to people’s play schedules. In the future we want to build a global cooldown system to make it easy to coordinate this and other daily activities like crafting and faction missions, but that is a lower priority than server merges and other critical fixes, so this will not happen in the short to medium term
- Adjust the way Expertise bumps work so there is a minimum, as well as a maximum. Currently there is no minimum, which can result in a few bad rolls at the start really demoralizing players. This will also decrease the average bumps needed to get from min to max Expertise. Our goal is to average around 35.
- Move Gypsum rewards from cache to event. A few activities such as Outpost Rush, Corrupted Breaches, Arenas, and Aptitude granted Gypsum in the cache in the PTR. This leads to hoarding and uncertainty if using a cache now is safe. This change should resolve both of those concerns.
Thanks again for your feedback. One of the benefits of sharing our plans prior to final implementation is hearing your sentiment and then adjusting or designs accordingly.