By the end of the year they will have patched in the basic systems needed to finally begin building their game, IMO. So far my theory is holding out true. Before the year is out there be 3v3 arenas, a dungeon finder system, cross server activity, raid group system, rest of the datamined weapons, and prob. more i'm not thinking of. Combine this list with what the game currently offers and you have a decent MMO with replayable systems in place. Will people like myself benefit from casually playing through this? Absolutely, I only have 3 weapons left to level and shit like that will not be skippable and takes time.
Elderscrolls and Star trek online both have massive fanbases however ESO is a successful game because it's a good game and not 100% due to the fans and previous IP like some claim. Elderscrolls online went thru various changes in it's systems before it became the game it is today and it's because of that moment in the industry I have faith in the NW dev team. As well not counting MMOs there are a number of great examples of games changing for the better over time.
Guess which MMOs are actually fucking dead? Ones of from the sub. era like City of Heroes, Wildstar, and i'm sure Rift is next.
Fuck me I miss city of heroes.