I get what youre thinking with medium however servers dont hold a big number to begin with so the only playable server type is near full. And yeah you essentially solo till about level 22; support roles can do the dungeons 2-3 levels below the rec. if their gear is maintained. Realistically there should be a dungeon at 15 IMO.As I mentioned above, I decided to pick it up after playing for free this weekend. Nice QoL features and the game has some interesting concepts but I'm not sure what the staying power is going to be for me.
I joined a "medium" population server and I definitely notice that the world feels pretty empty outside of town. Apparently there are no "dungeons" of any kind until level 25? WTF? So you just run around solo doing kill and grab missions for 20 hours or whatever it takes to get to that level? No other grouping motivation?
I am tentatively doing a tank build because I thought that might be something that would get me intro groups- being a newcomer. Based upon chat, it looks like healers are most in demand.
Combat so far feels like there isn't a lot to it. R-F clicky clicky clicky. Also that fucking map. It's a mess.
The more I think about this game the more upset I get.
I was paid by Amazon over the year leading up to release to extensively test the game. The devs were great at listening, patched things properly without breaking everything else and their vision of r the game was great. They tried to change a lot in that last year and did well with it for the most part. Things went downhill when they limited weapons to 2 instead of 3, not because of how it limited me as a player....but just the sheer amount of inability to listen to community feedback on how to fix balance issues without doing that.
Then release hit, and it all went out the window. I and a number of others warned of the lack of test server as launch would for sure require quick patching of issues that sparse testing population wouldn't show. We warned of dupe bugs needing to be taken care of because it would ruin the economy and how any interruptions to the economy would quickly destroy the game.
It's almost like a totally different team took over a few months before launch, it was night and day. I played this game so much before launch, had every weapon maxed at one point or another...all was going well, until it didn't and those changes happened.
Just makes me upset, I loved this game so damn much and they ruined it.
Well that depends on what you thought of the game as a whole. I thought the game was pretty cool leveling up. Liked the loot, liked the crafting, gathering, combat etc.... Its just that it all fell off at end game. Honestly if it wasnt for the people I got to know and play with on my server I would have quit like a month sooner than I did at end game. There was like literally nothing to do other than gather and craft BS to get all skills up to 200.Wouldn't matter how much extra time they gave it since the idiots who made the initial design decisions would be involved in that process.
It honestly has. But yea bottom line is it released too early like majority of current successful MMOs.The most surprising piece of that is that they ignored the warnings about duping. The game is so heavily dependent on tradeskills and the economy. They should have just wiped early on.
Has that shit worked itself out of the system for the most part? I have found that I have been able to sell newbie raw materials.
I think AoC is going to favor Sharif's preference for Aion / Archeage type of systems and its going to cause the game to lose a huge chunk of its audience after a month, maybe two. Failure? no. But not some raving success like the hype train suggests. I think Sharif will make his money back, though. The cash shop sounds like its going to be flush with all kinds of mounts and skins right at launch.New World tempered my expectations and excitement for AoC. At this point I’m scared that AoC will let me down and at that point I dunno if I’ll even get excited for MMOs anymore. I feel like I’m teetering on the edge in this genre and it’s a little depressing but I can’t remember the last time I haven’t been burnt by it.