My g/f loves the game. Idk what to tell ya. Its also crazy as shit that the games starting to get an uptick in population. Fuck if I know.How the fuck do you people still play this dog shit ass game? I don't get it. The game is fundamentally broken beyond repair. Let it die already.
Ya for a casual gamer I get the appeal because the game looks nice and farming mats is actually kinda fun at least for a little while. However, anyone that actually plays games even at a slightly hardcore level, I just don't get it, there is no end game.My g/f loves the game. Idk what to tell ya. Its also crazy as shit that the games starting to get an uptick in population. Fuck if I know.
Ya for a casual gamer I get the appeal because the game looks nice and farming mats is actually kinda fun at least for a little while. However, anyone that actually plays games even at a slightly hardcore level, I just don't get it, there is no end game.
It had(has? no idea, haven't logged in since shortly after release) quite possibly the most retarded territory control system ever implemented in a game that I can think of. Only penalties if you don't control the town, and then when you do manage to take a town over you end up destroying half the shit in the town that made it valuable (top tier crafting stations) in the first place. There's literally no reason to ever not be on the biggest zerg faction on whatever server, it's only upsides. There are only downsides for not being in the zerg faction (which after a certain point they block making characters on) and it just contributes to the disparity between the "big" faction and everyone else. You effectively have to wait for the big faction members to just do all the things in the game to have a chance to touch some of the content, and not in a "they are more skilled" way. For several months after release, it was incredibly easy to defend a base, and even easier because of the inherent disparity between the controlling faction and anyone attacking.
Thats actually .. exciting to hear. Really hope they knock it out of the park with this area.For once I agree with Lumi - the end game is slim unless you have a core group that enjoys pushing M10s. However the game it's self is still fun to play with, world looks and feels great, all while the devs are actively improving the game. Realistically the game is actually in a good position - I do know some streamers finally got to do a play test and record footage of the new area, so there should be info on it this week.
Most people just saw the town constantly downgrading back around launch. Never connecting the dots that it was invasions and they were buggy af back then and peoples power level was nowhere near what it is now.Taking a town in a war only downgrades the fort, not the town itself. Losing an invasion (or not paying taxes) is what downgrades a town and the crafting stations. You also can't join the biggest faction and haven't been able to since day 1 (biggest faction is based on territory ownership, not actual population). The only way to circumvent that is to transfer to a server. So example: Purple is biggest faction. If you switch to purple faction on your server (assuming you can), then server xfer to the purple dominant server, then you've "joined" the biggest faction.
They've softened the penalties related to territory ownership. Fast travel is 20 azoth max now and you can freely xfer stuff between storage sheds. the biggest advantage to owning a territory is pretty much the money you make from it at this point and having control over what upgrades or town buffs you decide to activate.
I love the crafting system, personally. But, I always love crafting
Not being a dick - But I meant bugs that would cut the entire invasion short so the town would lose basically a level on everything. Or the invasion wouldnt even start, and still downgrade your town. Or the bug where you would only get like 10 of the people that signed up in town and no one else could join? Or where you couldnt issue upgrades because the town has an invasion coming but the invasion isnt scheduled to happen for 137 years. Then out of nowhere, its fixed and your town degrades. Theres more, but I hope you're getting my point. You may feel like they werent the "biggest issue" but all of that shit seems pretty debilitating to me cause it happened quite regularly, not some rare occurrence.Invasions being buggy wasn't the biggest issue back then, it was mostly gear levels and not knowing the proper meta.
But ya, at launch invasions felt all but impossible. I never had invasion win on my original server and our server in general only had 2 wins, both due to bugs where the elites stood still and never attacked the gates.
I did, up until I realized it was relying too much on low tier material. I was happy to get past needing a ton of iron, only to discover that nope, now you need even more PLUS the new tier. Then multiply it again when you need iron for the tier after that too. I stopped crafting after that lol