I dont know how I would approach letting all of that content out. Piecemealing it seems wrong, and I would think they would want to take that much of a revamp and addition to the game and basically do an ARR?.... But at the same time, they have an insanely bad track record of letting buggy content into the game, whether thats through their own ineptitude, or the engine or a mix of both. So yes, test the shit out of it.
Great Sword is cool, and Im sure Ill at least try it. Unlike the other weapons theyve released so far. The newbie updates 1-25 are sorely needed, so thats great. Lots of new assets and variety etc. there. The Brimstone Sands.. I just want to know more about what we'll be doing there. There is another dungeon, cool - but any raid targets? Something other than PVP we can do with our guild thats large scale? I dont even care if its just events, just something that would encourage working together with a big payoff would be cool. Especially since gearing in this game is lame af.
At the same time, the PVP changes.. really hope they gut the ever living shit out of people being able to pocket money from the town. Thats some of the most poorly thought out shit Ive ever heard of. Even Shadowbane had better ideas than that, and that game came out fucking two decades ago almost.
The only complaint I have out of all of this is.. These sound like some pretty massive updates. Would have been really fucking nice if they would have teased more of this shit along the way. This stuff takes months and months to make so they had plenty of opportunity. Instead they just let players flounder around thinking "Game failed - development almost at a standstill. I should play something else thats not going to shut down."