Avatar of War Slayer
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Dont get me wrong, Voidbent gear is nice and is "up there." But since you're specifically talking about PVP - how much is that Luck attribute really helping you out in any of those scenarios? You could replace all those spots that lucks taking up with 5 other perks that are much better suited to your playstyle/PVP. Then take into account that you can achieve a good 300-400 more physical or elemental protection by going with crafted pieces. Then the people that would rather have Heavy armor with a different stat other than constitution.Even if that stat was not broken on gear voidbent and faction will still win because of the 20 something % crit reduction which is still huge. Why would you pick anything else? as for other craftables im sure there are better but some need to be self crafted and bop or require bigger grinds.
So imagine a Heavy set that gives you Gems in all pieces, Resilient, Invigorated, and Freedom with an additional 300 protection, overall? The Legendary tag is just a tier to denote 3 perks and a gem slot, and the crafted "generic" legendaries are BoE. So you dont have to even grind out armoring, or any trade for that matter, to get them. If anything, the BoP tag that some Named Legendary pieces have has no place in this game because more often than not, they are trash compared to a "god roll." Are they going to be expensive? of course. But Voidbent gear isnt cheap either. Void Ore is going for 8-11k on Vingolf on average. Then each piece of Runic Leather at 300-350 per, Phoenixweave at 350-400 per, and Asmodeum for 400-550 per. Thats not even including all the f'n motes for energy cores, the void essences, Tolvium and Cinnabar.
At least you have the "option" to grind out that shit instead of paying for it all, but if you dont want to craft and do trades - you can just buy it. But thats a lottt of invasions, outpost rush, dungeon runs and whatever else makes gold for a non crafter.