Most of thats old info. The horses is the only thing I dont recall seeing, and at this point... Im so f'n tired of walking everywhere, give me the f'n mounts. Three houses, azoth to do everything, but ffs.. you still walk a god damn data mine content ( i think most is new info or more detailed info)
3 weapons
new armor sets
pvp arena
new area (sands)
couple items related to saddle/bridle --> possible mounts?
New World - Content leak -
Dataminer find Expeditions, Horses, Weapons, Regions and more.. - NewWorldBase you can find or create companies and builds. Track your Watermark, Guides and
I mean, you can still plop down 5 trophies in small houses. One invasion will cover the costs for all three houses, just about. Having 3 luck trophies going for loot, mining, logging, harvesting, and skinning - combined gear and food buffs if applicable, and its made the game a lot less time consuming. Upgrading the trophies from tier 1 to tier 2 however, has been a challenge. Every since having a full luck load out for loot - Ive picked up an absolute shit ton of recipes - but Ive had such shit luck grinding out large/elite chests for the mentioned luck trophy upgrades (stacked deck, surveyor's tools, etc.)Salvaging gear at 60 gets me like 1.5 gold. Costs me like 600 to repair from fully broken. Math checks out to me lol
(still too cheap to pay taxes too, housing sucks)
Just have your companies furnishing guy craft them for you. Give your old trophy and the new mats and the artifact should give the person the recipe to make it.How do you upgrade the trophy? I’ve got an epic corruption upgrade item and the minor corruption trophy already
I accidentally left a word in. Constitution provides 10%. Either set will push you above 30% with 150 con.
If you have voidbent armor, you will have the Constitution.
1.3 crit multiplier is nullified by Voidbent or faction gear without the con bonus.
Lol bought the 2nd stacked deck for 10k actually.I mean, you can still plop down 5 trophies in small houses. One invasion will cover the costs for all three houses, just about. Having 3 luck trophies going for loot, mining, logging, harvesting, and skinning - combined gear and food buffs if applicable, and its made the game a lot less time consuming. Upgrading the trophies from tier 1 to tier 2 however, has been a challenge. Every since having a full luck load out for loot - Ive picked up an absolute shit ton of recipes - but Ive had such shit luck grinding out large/elite chests for the mentioned luck trophy upgrades (stacked deck, surveyor's tools, etc.)
Meanwhile, Lumi has apparently picked up his second Stacked Deck and Im just a bit salty now. lul
Games a night and day difference when you have an active guild to do shit with. Defending your own territory lends so much more to being invested in the game as well.
I think OPR needs an alternate advancement reward, though. Invasions have a great pay out for the time investment and are pretty fun. But with OPR's repeatable nature, the reward is just too low for anyone that has plenty of gold and no azoth problems. The box can be nice, I guess, but as a tank - I'd never get a reward worth af cause "Damage Taken" doesnt have a scoring mechanism.
Syndicated, owns Brightwood with Too Syndicated (influence gain guild) for Purple that a lot of us moved into, Divine Order for Covenant, Order of Thigh or "A C" for Marauders.What's a good active guild on Vingolf? Everyone in mine last logged in like 10 days ago lol.